Resurrection Z Part 3

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10k and I were jumping from roof to roof, it was the safest way to get around and avoid all the chaos happening below. I glanced down and saw a bunch of people putting Z's in the zombie cage, with a man wearing red and white robes leading them. That must be that Jacob guy and his cult. They were also rounding up the people from the compound; a few of which I recognized from Joe's tour and the cafeteria. Wait... one of them is Joe. Damn it, rest in peace, Major Williams. Still, I didn't see anybody from our group.

"We have to find our team!" I called to 10k as we jumped another gap.

"I know!" He called back. "Wait, hang on." He grabbed my arm and stopped me in my tracks. "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah, it's screaming. It's all over the place. Let's go." I tried to move but he stopped me again, letting my arm go and looking over the edge. Without a word he jumped down; I of course followed him. The screaming we were hearing was coming from behind a door that was wedged closed with a large cross- and to my dismay, some of the screams were familiar.

"Help me with this!" I ordered him, he obliged and together we removed the cross. No sooner than the door was unblocked, our team flooded out.

"Kids?" Garnett shouted as Doc threw himself back against the door to close it.

"Come on!" Doc shouted to 10k as they put the cross back in place, the hallway now filled with zombies. After making sure the cross wasn't going to move we all stood in a circle.

"How do we get outta here?" Garnett questioned us, assuming we would know.

"We've been using the roofs to move; the cult guys are in the compound."

"Armed." I clarified.

"Murphy?" Warren questioned next.

"Haven't seen him." I replied, looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody was sneaking up on us.

"The rest of us need weapons, then we'll find Murphy. Let's go." Garnett ordered as we ran around a corner, only to be stopped by three guys with guns- just like when we first got here. I guess things really do come in three's.

"Freeze!" One of them ordered, which we did to avoid getting shot at. "Greetings, brothers and sisters. The Resurrection Church welcomes you! Please, raise your hands to the Heavens, or I will resurrect you where you stand." We all shared weary glances before doing so. As I was raising my arms, 10k grabbed one and pulled me around the corner. I heard someone shoot as us but we were already long gone. The last thing I heard was someone telling the people to let us go.

"I'm getting real sick of running!" I complained as 10k and I entered one of the buildings. We closed ourselves in an empty room to catch our breath and come up with a plan.

"I need a gun." 10k muttered.

"Want one of mine to borrow?" I offered, taking my rifle off my back only to be stopped when he shook his head.

"No, I want to make sure you're covered."

"I still have my pistol." I reminded him.

"Keep it." Was all he said before I shrugged and returned my rifle to my back.

"The armory is full of Z's. Even then I'm pretty sure the cult guys raided it already." 10k nodded before freezing and holding a finger to his lips to quiet me. I listened and heard what he was probably hearing- footsteps walking down the hallway next to us. I listened closer and held up 2 fingers, letting him know there were two people. He nodded and we crouched against the wall.

"I'm sure they're armed. I can get their guns; or at least a knife." Thomas plotted quietly.

"It sounds like they're at different ends of the hall. Lucky for us, this room has two doors. I'll take the one at this end out, you take the one down there. Deal?" Ten Thousand nodded before standing and moving along the wall to the other door. I watched as he grabbed some sort of baton and looked to me, nodding once.

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