Misadventures Part 5 (Part 3)- "One More Day"

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I woke up to somebody shaking me.

"(Y/N), get up."

"What?" I whined, curling up into a ball.

"Doc and Warren made breakfast; they found some chickens and a garden next door. They made omelets."

"Don't have to tell me twice." I quickly sat up and stretched, hunching over to fight through the sudden dizziness that overcame me from getting up so fast.

"Nice." 10k joked as he rested my gun on the bed next to me.

"Shut it." I draped my rifle over my shoulder as I stood and brushed the wrinkles out of my clothes.

"Smells good." I commented as I walked into the kitchen, taking a deep breath through my nose and out of my mouth.

"Thanks, I was told I was a pretty good cook Pre-Z." Doc's pride shone through his humble attitude as he plated breakfast evenly, the rest of us sitting around the dining table eagerly.

As Doc the Chef placed our plates and silverware in front of us, nobody wasted a second before digging in. Doc sat down and followed suit.

All of our meals were gone within minutes.

"Damn, I haven't eaten that good in years." Warren chuckled as she rested a hand on her stomach, rubbing it slowly.

"It feels weird." I mumbled as I leaned back in my chair.

"Like, a good weird or food poisoning weird?" Doc joked, stretching himself out as if that would help with the digestion.

"Like I wanna go back to sleep weird." I retorted. Warren chuckled and nodded, before getting serious.

"Well, enjoy it while it lasts; we're back on the road in a few hours."

"What?" Murphy jumped up. "Come on, Warren!"

"Just one more day?" I begged, enjoying life at the moment.

"Come on, guys. You know a day in the apocalypse is like a few days normal time." Warren tried reasoning with the five of us, who were all pouting like kids that were just told they couldn't have a piece of candy right after dinner.

"Just one day won't hurt anybody!" Doc's counterargument got Warren to think for a moment, before shaking her head and resting her hands on her hips.

"The longer we take, the lower the chances of that lab still standing when we get there."

"If that labs falls, it falls; regardless if we stay another day or not." I retorted.

"10k?" Warren looked to my boyfriend, who's stayed quiet this whole time. He looked around the table at all of us before looking back to our leader with a simple shrug.

"One more day sounds nice." Warren eyed her soldiers before letting a long sigh pass her lips as she held her hands up in surrender.

"Fine- but we're leaving first thing tomorrow."

"Deal!" I spoke before anybody else as I jumped up, stretching my tired body out.

"You guys bother me." Warren teased as she made her way to the front deck to enjoy the early morning sun.

"We love you too!" Doc called after her, the rest of us chuckling. "So, what's the plan for today?" I leaned over the table, resting my weight on my hands- almost like a General would as he looked over the battle plan.

"Swim, eat, tan, have fun, sleep."

"When do we shoot things?" 10k asked, serious. I rolled my eyes in a playful manner as I looked at him.

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