Sisters of Mercy Part 1

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"You've reached the Apocalypse Hotline, how may I direct your call?" I answered the satellite phone while while Warren tampered with something under the hood of our newly acquired vehicle.

"Delta X-Ray?"

"What's up, CZ?"

"Who am I speaking to?"


"Oh, hey! How's it going?"

"Well, we're not dead yet. Got an update on Mack and Addy?"

"That's good to hear! And, uh, yeah." I could hear typing in the background. "I have some new coordinates. I was able to get ahold of an old friend of mine, his name's Chester. He says he has enough food for all of you."

"Alright, coordinates are Warren's thing. Gimme a sec." I stood up from leaning against the side of the vehicle and walked around to the hood, handing the phone to Warren as she closed it. I didn't stick around to hear what they were talking about; instead I went to check on Cass and Doc in the backseat.

"How's she holding up?" I questioned as I leaned on the door next to 10k.

"It's infected, but there's still some time to find medicine." Doc informed me as he did what he could to cover up her wound. Called it.

————————2 Hours Later————————

10k and I were taking turns supporting Cassandra as we made our way through the creepy, dark old building; she could walk on her own but not too well. So, we decided to take the responsibility of keeping her safe. Whoever wasn't helping her walk was following behind in guard mode.

"I'm starting to have my doubts about this." I mumbled, my right arm secure around my friend's waist. So far it's been nothing but dark and damp empty hallways. Warren hushed me and stopped walking, holding her hand up to signal us to do the same.

We all froze in our tracks, awaiting her next orders- or at least an explanation for why we stopped to begin with. We got the latter as she pointed to her ear, then around the corner of the hallway we were walking down; she heard something. The five of us nodded in understanding as the footsteps grew closer, before two people rounded it with flashlights.

Everybody, but Cass and I, raised their weapons defensively- the two mystery people doing the same.

"Hold it right there." Warren ordered, finger on the trigger. Just then the man pointed his flashlight right at Murphy's face, and a wide smile grew across my features when I saw who we had just run into.

Mack and Addy.

"Oh, it's the damn Wonder Twins." Murphy spoke in his own surprised way as he held his hand in front of his face, shielding his eyes from Mack's flashlight.

"Guys!" Warren whispered in shocked happiness, lowering her gun as smiles grew on everybody's faces, the eight of us putting our weapons away as well.

"What!" Doc chuckled out in disbelief.

"Holy shit." I laughed softly, helping Cassandra over to our newly found friends.

"Hey!" Addy breathed out as Warren pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek then doing the same to Mack.

"Oh my-" doc cut himself off to give them hugs, myself pulling Addy in and giving her a tight squeeze after helping Cass lean on the wall. "Never, I mean never ever in a million years truly did I think I'd see you guys again!" Doc exclaimed. I laughed as I let Addy go, giving Mack his hug and kissing him on the cheek.

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