Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Edward's POV

I sat down on the sofa, with a cup of tea in hand, and a few sketches for correction in the other. The television was switched on, onto a football match which seemed to be on repeat. I glanced in mild interest before turning my attention to the drawings I held in my hand. A pint of beer was perspiring on a coaster on the coffee table. Malcolm's, I presumed. Ella was still at one of her lectures, while I had just arrived back from work. As per my usual procedure, I went to mine to change, and then walked back to Ella's house.

It had now been a year since I'd first met Ella, and it had definitely been a rollercoaster ride. No couple should have to go through what we did in a lifetime, let alone in a few months. But I didn't regret any of it. I'd do it all again, if it meant that I'd get Ella again. But I'd do it differently - I'd wasted too much time fighting over mediocre situations. I'd speak up the truth immediately, like we did now.

Malcolm walked into the living room with a whiskey tumbler in his hand. He looked surprised to see me. "Oh, hey," he said, his eyes darting from the beer to the whiskey. I'd clearly caught him before a drinking binge. It wasn't something common with him - ever since he'd given up drugs, he'd also limited the amount he drank.

"Hey," I answered in amusement. "Sorry to scare you. I let myself in."

Malcolm smiled. "That's okay, you just caught me in a moment." He sat down on the single sofa and put the tumbler down. "Do you want a drink?" His eyes met mine. I frowned. He didn't seem quite like himself. His eyes were red-rimmed and he looked thoughtful.

I shook my head. "Thanks," I said, nodding towards my cup of tea. Malcolm glanced at it and chuckled.

"A far cry from my beer and whiskey," he said. He reached for the glass and turned to look at the television.

"Are you alright?" I asked. Something was definitely wrong and I needed to find a way to approach him without scaring him off. It was funny to think about it, but Malcolm was now like a brother to me.

"Yeah." Malcolm started drinking the beer. "I'm fine. You?"

"I'm okay," I said.

"Good, good." Malcolm looked distracted. He turned his attention to the television, seemingly very fascinated by a football match that had already aired and whose result was already known. I could tell that he was only acting like he was interested in watching. I left him be, turning my attention to the corrections that I'd brought with me. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Malcolm emptied his beer glass within a few minutes, then turned towards the whiskey tumbler. I frowned. Not a good combination. His eyes were bloodshot. Something was definitely up. It almost reminded me of my drug days years ago. But no - Malcolm was better than that. He'd given up for good.

Malcolm looked up at me the moment I set the drawings on the coffee table and lifted the teacup to my lips. "Are you done from the corrections?" he inquired.

"Yeah, why?" Did he want me to leave, or?

"Can I ask you something?" he asked me.

"Yes, of course." I put the cup down on the table and lifted my leg onto the other, turning to face him.

Malcolm hesitated. "I... don't know how to say it." He paused, shaking his head. I looked back at him in alarm. What was this about?

I laughed it off awkwardly. "You can tell me anything, we've literally been through so much together."

Malcolm bit his lip. "Yeah, I know." He frowned. "When you... when you first met Ella, how did you know it was the real deal?"

I arched an eyebrow. Definitely not the question I expected. What was he on about? "I don't know," I answered. "I was attracted to her the first time I saw her, but it took a while since I tried to suppress my feelings for so long."

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