Chapter 101

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Sophie's POV

I contemplated between emptying the bottle of whiskey over Malcolm's head, or actually complying to his request and telling him about Jeremy and I. I decided to do the latter; I'd never had anyone to tell this story to either way. So I started telling him about when we were young, how I'd always followed Sean and him around, but how there had been a point in time where Sean shut me out of their bubble, no longer wanting me with them. How it was him and Jeremy and Camille at the time, but mostly him and Jeremy. At that time I hadn't understood why they didn't want me with them. Now I knew that Sean had pushed me away because of Cole.

He left for university, and kept shutting me out, even when I started attending the same university two years later. And this was where I'd found Jeremy, and we'd become friends, even though I treated him like a dirtbag, teasing him about women and about Sean. I told Malcolm about how I'd looked forward to our Saturday mornings together, and the way in which I was grateful to Jeremy, because he did the best to keep the peace between Sean and I. And the way I'd missed him when he graduated, and how we'd kept in touch. The way he'd come out as bisexual to me, and then how he'd asked me out and I'd turned him down, repeatedly, teasing him, even though I was feeling something. But I didn't want to feel something. Not for Jeremy. I didn't see him as being at my level at the time, and I always thought I'd be second best to him after Sean, too. I'd been selfish and a snob.

I recounted to Malcolm how Jeremy had gotten the courage to make a move on me after he'd seen him with Sean. And he'd kissed me one time, and I'd kissed him back enthusiastically, before pushing him away, taunting him. Malcolm remembered how he'd stopped speaking to me, how we'd made up by Christmas, but by then he was casually dating Camille. I told him about the night of Sean's arrest and the way I'd treated Jeremy. I stopped after telling him that I'd slept with Jeremy, and then left him and stopped speaking to him.

"Why would you do that?" Malcolm asked with a frown.

I shifted uncomfortably. "I couldn't get close to him. I knew he adored me, but his priority was to get me to speak to Sean. And Jeremy's... intense. I didn't want to get into a serious relationship. He cared way too much for me." I was feeling woozy by now. Malcolm had poured us two more shots each, and I hadn't eaten.

"That must have been harsh on him," Malcolm mumbled. He stood up and made his way to the kitchen. I stayed put, and checked my phone. I had a new message on Messenger.

I frowned. From Sean. I tapped on it. He'd sent me the article, too. There was a message as well.

We're famous! How do people know Jer and I live together???

I answered, Paparazzi know everything, Sean.

Good thing they didn't see you on the porch then, Sean answered. I felt my face flame. True.

He messaged again. BTW SOPH. He attached a photo now.

He'd sent me his new tattoo, which he'd gotten when he'd gone into town. It was still red. It covered from his shoulder to his elbow, hiding the large scar that Anthony had left on him. On it was a large compass in black and white, decorated by two large roses and a cracked clock at the bottom. He'd added shots of colour to the rose, red, gold and blue, tinged by grey. It looked amazing.

It's wonderful!!!!!! I wrote to him.

Right! The scar is gone, you can't even see it unless you reeeeeeeeally look. And no one is gonna do that.

I smiled at Sean's message. I liked seeing him look enthusiastic.

I love it, I answered. Does it have a meaning?

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