Chapter 122

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Jeremy's POV

My eyes followed Sean as he walked away from the table, towards the bar next to Louis. He'd abandoned his books, notes and backpack here. I turned and focused my attention back on Lucas. He was still looking at me expectantly, his hand still on mine.

I felt butterflies swarming in my stomach at the situation. This was new... but so familiar at the same time. Lucas... there was a point in time where I'd thought he was the one for me. We hadn't been together for too long, just a few months. But we'd known each other for around a year before anything happened. It was during the time when I'd been smitten by Sophie but knew that nothing was going to happen, and had given up. Lucas and I spent a lot of time together, discussing and debating. We only let it become something more once I'd finished the course. He was the only guy I'd ever fallen for.

"I'm pretty much free, all the time," I said to him now. "I mostly work from home for my brother and for the Michigans, and the bars sort of take care of themselves."

Lucas smiled back at me. "So both siblings are still around?" he asked. I nodded, not wanting to say that my heartbreak had been caused by the other Michigan, the one who wasn't here tonight.

I felt him stroke the back of my hand with his index finger. I tried not to react, even though I'd told him that I just wanted to be friends ten seconds earlier.

I couldn't handle another relationship, or anything close to something like it.

"I'm at university on most mornings, but I'm relatively free in the late afternoon or in the evening. Unless you'd prefer a day during the weekend," he said now. "What's the best place for food in town?" he asked me, meeting my eyes.

I gestured around me with my free hand. "Here," I answered casually. Lucas laughed.

"You're cute," he said. I felt my face redden. This made him laugh even more. "Maybe we come here again another time. But can I treat you to dinner? Tomorrow. From somewhere that you don't own."

I'd always liked Lucas's directness and confidence.

"Alright," I replied. "But it's not-"

He cut me off. "Not a date. I get it. Give me your number now." He shot me a smile, and I complied. He punched it into his phone. Then he pushed the chair back. "I should go, let you get back to your friend," he said.

I looked back at him, realising that I almost didn't want him to leave. I started standing up though, and he did too. He removed his hand from mine, and I blinked, surprised at having my hand to myself for the first time in around half an hour. But it wasn't for long, because he immediately grabbed the same hand and intertwined our fingers. I regarded him in surprise.

"I will message you with details about tomorrow, then," he said casually. He smiled at me. "This is nice. I'm glad you didn't hold a grudge when I stopped speaking to you."

"I'm glad you didn't," I answered earnestly.

"As if anyone can hold a grudge against you," Lucas said softly. He held eye contact for a few seconds. "I'll see you tomorrow, then." He released my hand and stepped back. He looked towards Sean. My gaze followed, and we found both him and Louis glancing over. I wanted to laugh. Lucas lifted his hand in a wave, before bypassing me. He stopped right next to me. "And, by the way, you look great," he said, his eyes twinkling.

I blinked. He didn't give me a chance to answer, because he started walking away, and out the door, leaving me standing there looking like an idiot. I sat back down, feeling extremely confused.

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