Chapter 74

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Malcolm's POV

Meeting Paul had provided me with a much needed distraction during a difficult period. I'd left his apartment the morning after I'd first met him, with the promise that we'd be meeting again, for a drink, or a meal, or something. Something casual.

I liked him, he was fun, sarcastic and older. This was the first time I'd be meeting a guy casually, since Sean. Over the past couple of years I'd had a couple of more boyfriends, nothing serious or long, but I'd never left their home the morning after we'd met. I'd taken my time to get to know them properly first. Sean leaving prison was clearly leaving an impact on me, because I was doing the same thing I'd done with him at the beginning.

It was a couple of weeks after I'd first met Paul, and I'd finally decided to return the books I'd borrowed from the university library. I'd met Paul a few more times by then, staying over one more time, and was making plans to meet him the following evening for a drink as I made my way to the university.

I ignored the disapproving gaze of the librarian as he silently looked at the overdue date of return of my books. I was surprised that he didn't charge me a fine for that. I muttered a brief thanks as I made my way out.

Looking forward to you staying over again, Paul had written to me. He didn't use emojis. I liked that about him, too.

I don't necessarily need to stay over for something to happen, I typed back, a smirk on my face.

Oh my.

I laughed at his reply. This was fun, flirting on Messenger. I hadn't flirted this blatantly through text since- I stopped the thought right there. I didn't want to think about him.

I focused on Paul instead. Anywhere, anytime, I told him.

These lawyers eh...

I chuckled, trying to think of an intelligent yet suggestive reply. I looked around the campus, trying to come up with the perfect answer. My eyes met with Alice's. She was looking back at me in shock.

"Alice," I said, completely forgetting about Paul's message. We stopped in front of each other. I leaned forward and hugged her. "How are you?" I asked.

"I'm... good. How are you?" She seemed slightly distracted.

"Good, too." I offered a smile. "Sorry for leaving early the other night." I was referring to the date of Ella's graduation and engagement, Sean's release date and the night I'd met Paul. Big day, indeed.

She smiled back at me. "That's fine. You met someone, right?"

"Yeah, I went back to his place," I answered casually.

Alice's eyes widened. "Since when do you do something like that?" she asked me.

I scoffed. "It's not my first time," I replied. I held her gaze and I could tell she knew I was referring to Sean. We looked at each other silently for a short while. "Have you seen him since he's been released?" I asked now. We never referred to him by his name. Well, I didn't.

For some reason, Alice looked extremely uncomfortable. Maybe it was because she was supposed to be my friend, rather than his. "Yeah," she mumbled. Her eyes turned to the door of the Criminology Building. She turned back to me. "How come you're at uni?" she inquired.

"My library books were overdue," I explained. "And you? How come you're here and not at work?"

"I'm on leave, I had an errand..." Alice trailed off. "So, tell me about this guy," she said, as if she were really making an effort to concentrate speaking to me.

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