August 1998 (1)

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***Angel's POV***

"You're not staying?" Luis asked me as I was getting off of his bed. I'm not actually even sure if that's his name, but it's my best guess. He looks like a Luis at least. 

"I have work tomorrow." I said putting on my red tube top and matching skirt. 

"Well couldn't you just leave from here in the morning?" 

I rolled my eyes as I fixed my jet black hair in the mirror. "No, sorry."  

"Can I have your number at least?" 

I gave him a tight lipped smile. "Give me your number and I'll call you later maybe." 

He quickly grabbed a pen and a napkin off of his side table and wrote down his number. I put my black heels back on and walked over to grab the napkin from his hand. "Thanks. I'll call you." I smiled at him again and made my way out of his bedroom.

"Do you want me to walk you out?" He yelled from his room.

"No thanks!" I yelled back. 

 I let myself out of his apartment and checked my watch. Fuck, two am already. I was going to be so exhausted for work tomorrow. Not to mention hungover. I still felt tipsy from all the drinking I had done earlier in the night. 

I got outside, chucked the napkin in the garbage and flagged down a cab. I told the driver my address to the house I was renting in Brooklyn and then remained pretty silent the rest of the way. I didn't imagine cab drivers liked it when their passengers talked too much, so I usually just shut up. 

The cab pulled up to my house and I quickly handed him some cash. I got out and started making my way to my stairs. 

"Angel! Why you gettin' home so late?" Bert yelled at me from across the street. He was homeless and always hung out around my house, so I had gotten to know him pretty well. We would drink beers on my steps sometimes, or whenever I had weed I would bring him some to smoke as well. 

"Another night another dick, Bert!" I yelled walking up my steps and I could hear him laugh. I unlocked my door and said goodnight to Bert. I went to my room and threw on some old sweats and a tiny tank top. I wanted to just get right into bed but I knew Zoe would kill me if I didn't call her and tell her I got home okay. 

I walked out to my kitchen and picked up my landline. I dialed Zoe's number in and waited for her to pick up. 

"Hey! Home safe and sound I presume?" 

"Yeah, just got back." I replied while I played with the phone cord. 

"How was that guy you went home with?" 

"Ugh, trash. I threw out his number." We both giggled. 

"So he's not gonna become a regular booty call then?" 

I scoffed. "Definitely not. He was just all show. Like he looked like he would be a good fuck, but he was awful."  

Zoe laughed again. "Fuck you're cold." 

"Hey, I got expectations." 

She sighed after she was done laughing. "So you work tomorrow?" 

"Yeah I do. I should actually be going to bed now, I gotta get up at ten." 

"Okay. Call me when you're done work, maybe we can do something." 

"Alright, sounds good. Love you!" 

"Love you too! Night." She hung up and I put the phone back on its hook. Zoe was my neighbour when I was kid, and we had been best friends ever since we first met. Not much had actually changed till this day, we both grew up in Brooklyn and we both still lived here. We weren't neighbours anymore, but she only lived a few blocks away from me. So, essentially neighbours. 

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