January 2000 (2)

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***Angel's POV***

My second album was about to be released next week, so tonight was the night of my release party. It was being held at a club this time which was fine with me. I was just excited to be releasing a second album, let alone be having a huge ass release party. It was all still so crazy sometimes when I sat back and thought about my career and how far I had come. It almost didn't feel real when I really thought about it. I definitely didn't feel like a famous person, I'll say that much. 

I thought every track on the album was so unique, and I loved the sound that it had. I had three songs that were pretty blatantly about Marshall, including Don't Mess With Me, Hold On, and She Don't Love You. I chose to add in Don't Mess With Me since it had done so well when I released it, and I figured it fit pretty well with the rest of the album. I also chose to add in Hold On. I was feeling really unsure about it when I wrote it, but I felt like I needed to put it out into the world. It was the most raw and emotional song I had ever written, and Diddy thought it would be beneficial to have it on the record to maybe help soften up the album a little bit, since the rest of it was pretty angry and definitely had a 'fuck men' attitude to it. 

I didn't talk to Marshall at all about the album, which could be a mistake depending on how he takes it, but who knows. He might not even listen to it. But then again, I'm sure it'll spark a lot of opinions and articles about us, so he probably will. 

For the party, I chose to wear a black cropped tank top that was laced all the way up from the bottom, and black low rise jeans with a black belt and a big silver buckle. My hair and makeup artist straightened my hair, and then put me in a nude lip with a black smokey eye. I honestly felt the hottest that I have ever felt in a long time and I was so excited to go out. 

Zoe and Denaun showed up to my house at around seven pm to pre drink a little bit before we left at eight and Jill and Aidan came to hang out with us for a bit while we did. They were both invited to the party, of course, but they chose to stay home since Jill was four months pregnant and didn't wanna be around a bunch of drunk people. Aidan just wanted to be around her constantly, so he chose to stay with her which I understood. 

An hour and a bit later, we arrived to the party and were escorted in by security. My record was blaring through the speakers and the place was packed. I was immediately bombarded with so many people trying to say 'h'i to me, and I tried to talk to everyone but it was almost impossible. 

The atmosphere really reminded me of Marshall's release party last year which made me kinda sad. I hadn't thought about it at the time, but it was crazy how different the last two New Years were, and now how different this release party was from my last one. It just showed me how much had changed in the last year between us, and I felt a pang of anger mixed with sadness hit me. 

After I was done talking to everyone, I went to go find Zoe. I found Her, Denaun, and a group of our friends all sitting and drinking together. I grabbed a Hennessy and Coke from the waitress since I now felt like I could drink and get fucked up after talking to everyone I needed to talk to. I downed it and the waitress brought me another one almost immediately. 

I was looking at Denaun and Zoe who were being all flirty and cute together and it made me wonder what the hell was going on with them. I turned to Denaun with my drink in my hand. "So, are ya ever gonna move here? Or what the fucks goin' on with ya two?" They both looked at each other awkwardly. "What?" I asked confused. 

"Uh, nothin'." Zoe shrugged. 

"Liar! Denaun are ya movin' here?!" I asked with a big smile and he shook his head. 

"Angel, can we talk 'bout this later?" Zoe asked seriously. 

I scrunched my eyebrows together and then it hit me. "Wait. Zoe, are you movin' to Detroit?" 

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