October 1998 (2)

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***Marshall's POV***

It had been a couple weeks since we all got back from New York and I just dropped my first single for the Slim Shady LP which was Just Don't Give A Fuck. I had actually already released this song on the Slim Shady EP, but when Dre signed me, he thought we could make the song even better and re-release it so it got the love it should have the first time around. 

It had only been released for a few days and it was already doing better than any of my other shit had ever done. I imagine it was probably the fact that I had gotten to do real promotion for it, as well as having Aftermath and Dre behind me. Even though it was doing fairly well, I still felt like the carpet could be yanked from under me at any time. One single doing well doesn't solidify you in the game, so I was hoping that my next single would do even better, and I could start gaining some real momentum. 

Me and Angel had actually been talking pretty consistently, which surprised me. When I left I really didn't know if she was just gonna blow me off or not, but she hadn't yet, so I felt like that was a good sign. I think our last night together really helped with her opening up a bit more. I ended up talking pretty much the whole time, but that was fine with me. If that was what she needed to feel more comfortable, then so be it. 

It was currently my birthday, and Proof had planned for all of us to just go to a strip club. I didn't have much money, since I had been living off of my signing bonus for the last year and I wouldn't be getting a royalty check for at least a month. But I figured I would just pre drink so I wouldn't have to buy the expensive club drinks, and I certainly wasn't getting a private dance or anything so I wouldn't have to worry about paying for that either. 

It was now 9 o'clock and Porter came and picked me up to take us to Proof's house to start pre drinking. I hopped in his car and he threw his arm around my neck and pulled me into him to give me a noogie. 

"Happy birthday ya lil blonde bitch!" 

I started laughing and fighting him off of me. "Fuck you man." I ran my fingers through my hair to try and fix it. 

"Ya excited for tonight?" He started driving. 

"Yeah man, I'm just excited to get fucked up." We both laughed. "Yo, have you talked to Zoe today?" 

"Uh, yeah why?" 

"Angel hasn't called me all day, so I tried to call her but no answer. It's my fuckin' birthday and she hasn't even talked to me. Did Zoe say they were doing anything today?" 

He shook his head. "Nah, not that she told me." 

My mind instantly went to the fact that she's probably fuckin' some other dude. I had been trying to fight that thought all day but I couldn't anymore once Porter told me he had spoken to Zoe. I knew we weren't together or anything like that, but I still didn't want her out fuckin' other dudes.

"Fuckin' slut." I mumbled under my breath. 

"Bro, just because she ain't call ya doesn't mean anything." 

"She's essentially got her entire fuckin' pussy on display for the world to see, and you're tryna tell me she ain't doin' anything?!" 

"Are you not on your way to a strip club right now?" He frowned at me. 

I snorted. "Yeah, but I ain't gonna fuck any of em." 

"Don't fuck up a good thing, Slim." His tone was serious. 

"I'm not. She is." 

We pulled up to Proof's and you could hear the music already blaring. I only saw Biz and Swifty's cars parked out front so I figured they must have all drove together. We let ourselves inside and Proof was immediately there to greet us. He threw his arm around me and had a big smile on his face. 

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