April 2000 (1)

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***Marshall's POV***

My first single for the Marshall Mathers LP had been dropped for about a week and it was doing great. Even better than My Name Is, which was actually really crazy considering how well My Name Is had done. I was really excited about it, and Angel kept telling me how proud she was of me, and all I had accomplished in the last couple of years. She would tell me how much I deserved all the success I was getting, but in reality, she was the one who deserved everything. I've never seen such a hardworking person in my entire fuckin' life, and she does it so effortlessly too. That last week I spent with her was so inspiring to me. Watching her go from a photoshoot, to the studio, to the hospital to take her dad to chemo all in a single day was crazy to me. She was really just givin' it a hundred and ten percent, and I loved that about her.

Speaking of Angel, me and her were still doing good, better than good actually. We had been doing amazing. We still weren't together officially, because I guess she was still sorta hesitant. But Kim had officially moved out of my house, which I was so fuckin' thankful for, and i'm sure Angel was as well. I knew me and Kim had been done for awhile, but Angel didn't know that. She had still been questioning if me and Kim were actually over, but now she knew for sure. I was hopeful that that might help her hesitancy towards us, because I truly only wanted Angel, and I was still trying to prove that to her everyday.

I kept telling her how badly I wanted her to come see my house in Detroit, and I also wanted her to come meet Hailie, Alaina, and Nate. I know she was unsure about that, since me and Kim had just broken up and she didn't want to give me anymore problems, but I insisted. I told her that there was no way in hell Kim could keep them away from me anymore, not with all the super expensive lawyers I've hired.

But, she also wasn't able to come to Detroit in general, because of her probation. The only way she was allowed to travel was for work related things, or if she wanted to move which was a whole other process. But I did keep bringing up her moving in with me. I kept telling her how if she moved in with me, that I was gonna marry her right the fuck away, but she kept going on about how I was still married, which is true, but I would fast track the fuckin' divorce so quick if it meant I could marry her. Her other problem was that we were JUST getting back together, which was also a valid concern, but I didn't care. I knew what the fuck I wanted, so I was just waiting on her to be ready.

This morning I was on my way to the studio in Detroit to start really delving into the new record me and D12 were working on. We had started working on it a little while ago, back in 1999, but we didn't get too far with it since I was so busy with my own independent records. But now that the Marshall Mathers LP was about to drop next month, it was finally time to get into it, and I was so fuckin' excited.

I pulled up to the studio and saw all the boys cars parked outside, except for Proofs which wasn't surprising. As much as I loved the guy, he was always fuckin' late. I figured he'd probably be here soon. He always showed up, just on his own time.  Before I exited the car I decided to check my phone quickly.

From: Angel

"Have a good day baby. I love u :)"

I felt my heart flutter and I smiled to myself. Fuck I love this girl.

To: Angel

"Love u 2 baby. Call me later."

I quickly gathered my notepad and my wallet that were on the passenger seat and took the keys out of the ignition. I stuffed my phone and my wallet into my pocket and made my way inside. As soon as I stepped foot in the building, I could hear all the guys laughing and talking loud as fuck, even over a beat that was also playing loud as fuck. It was only nine am! How the fuck do they all got so much energy this early in the morning?

I entered the studio and saw them all smoking and vibing with the beat while Swifty was in the booth laying a verse. "Ya late!" Kuniva yelled to me.

"Fuck you I am!" I yelled back and he laughed. "Porter, whens Zoe's flight get in?" I went and sat down beside him. Today was the day that Zoe was officially moving here.

"Twelve dawg."

I nodded. "So ya gon' leave when? Like eleven?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Aight. Ya stoked or what?"

He got a huge smile on his face. "Hell yeah I am. Bought to have a constant supply of pussy."

I laughed. "Lucky bitch." We pounded fists and right after Proof walked in.

"Doody! Nice of ya to make it buddy!" I joked and we all laughed.

He grinned. "Fuck ya'll, I had to stop for gas or I wasn't gonna make it at all!" We all laughed again. "Yo Doody," Proof jutted his chin out and walked towards me. "I ain't know if ya know 'bout this, but I saw it and thought I'd show it to ya anyway." He tossed me a magazine while he sat down at one of the chairs pulled up to the soundboard.

"The fuck is this?" I scrunched my eyebrows at him and looked down at the magazine. My eyes immediately spotted Angel's picture in the corner of the front page with text underneath that read "PLUS! Angel & Prodigy's sexy private pics! Page 22."

"Yo what the fuck?" I muttered to myself and flipped to the 22nd page. The first thing I saw was multiple all colour photos of Angel naked laying on a bed with what I imagined to be a blunt in her hand, but everything was blurred so I couldn't know for sure. "What the fuck is this?!" I yelled to Proof.

He shrugged. "I don't know man. Is she still fuckin' 'round with Prodigy?"

"Well that's what the fuck it says!" I yelled again. I flipped the page and saw more photos, but this time with what looked to be Prodigy's hand on her ass. I only could tell that from his knuckle tattoos that read "Mobb Deep." My eyes scanned the page and I saw another picture with his fingers in her fuckin' pussy! Once again, everything was blurred, but I knew good and fuckin' well what the hell he was doin'. I felt sick to my fuckin' stomach, I couldn't believe what the fuck I was lookin' at. "These pictures are dated from last fuckin' month, yo!"

"Well have ya'll been gettin' pretty serious? Like are ya'll officially together now or what?" Kuniva asked.

I shook my head. "Nah, we ain't together together, but like we're fuckin' together, y'know?!" He nodded. "Porter! The fuck ya know 'bout this?!" I yelled at him.

"I ain't know nothin' dawg! I swear!" He put his hands up in defence.

"I cant fuckin' believe I got involved with this slut again!" I threw the magazine on the ground and put my head in my hands.

"Doody ya ain't even know what happened! Just call her and talk to her 'bout it. I mean ya said yaself ya ain't together, right?" Proof tried to reason with me.


"YA'LL AIN'T TOGETHER, DOODY!" He yelled even louder at me. "YA STILL FUCKIN' MARRIED!"

I let out a frustrated yell and stood up quickly. "I'M SO FUCKIN' SICK OF YA'LL DEFENDIN' THIS STUPID FUCKIN' SLUT ALL THE TIME! She's a dirty fuckin' whore and ya'll fuckin' know it! Fuck every single one of ya!" I bent down and grabbed the magazine off the floor. "Get fucked!" I yelled as I started stomping towards the door to exit the studio. I slammed the door shut and kept walking all the way to my car.

I whipped my cellphone out of my pocket and angrily started typing Angel's number into my phone. At the same time I hopped in my car and started driving reckless as fuck. I knew exactly where the fuck I was goin', and I was gonna turn around and go back if Angel had a good explanation for me, but something told me that wasn't gonna happen.

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