December 1999 (1)

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***Angel's POV***

It was now Christmas and my new single No Matter What They Say along with the video had just been released two days ago. It was doing really well and How Many Licks had done even better. I was so happy that people were still fucking so hard with my shit and that I wasn't a one hit wonder. I felt like maybe Hardcore doing so well might have just been a fluke, and this album could be a complete flop, but it didn't look that way at all. 

I was still nervous though, because you truly never know. I had titled the album Notorious Angel, and the album cover was even sexier than my Hardcore cover. There was an all pink background behind me, and I was topless with a pretend 'Notorious Angel' tattoo on my stomach. I honestly liked this cover way more than I liked my Hardcore cover. It just felt way more modern, and it definitely fit the new millennia vibe that I was trying to achieve with the album. 

Since it was Christmas, I was spending it with Aidan, my dad, and Jill. Zoe ended up going to Detroit for Christmas to spend it with Denaun, which I thought was sweet. It was going to be the first time she met his family so I know she was really excited about that, but I was going to miss her. We always spent Christmas together, so it was an adjustment for sure. 

Me and Jill had been in the kitchen all morning making dinner, and my dad came over at around one in the afternoon. It was weird to be having a full on Christmas dinner, since I hadn't done that since my mom died, but my dad insisted. I was honestly fine with just ordering my classic Chinese food for dinner, but nope. He was having none of it. 

After we ate and cleaned up, we decided to open presents. It was crazy to me, looking at all the presents under the tree. I never even had a tree since my mom died, so that alone was crazy in itself. But there was just so many presents, it was insane. They were mainly all from me, because I really did wanna spoil everyone now that I could, but still I couldn't believe how much I had bought. 

As we were in the middle of opening our presents, I heard my phone vibrate against the wood of my kitchen table. I figured it was probably Zoe, since I hadn't heard from her today, so I got up to go and grab it. I flipped it open as I was walking back to my pile of presents and saw it was a text from Marshall. 

From: Marshall 

"Merry Christmas. Hope it's a good one. And congrats on the single."  

I chuckled to myself. He must have liked this video better, since he never said anything about How Many Licks even though he had tried to call and text me a few times since we talked last month, but I still never answered. I couldn't do it. I hated listening to him tell me how much he loved me and missed me every fuckin' time I saw or talked to him like it was gonna change his marital status, so I refused to respond. 

I went back to spending time with my family and chose to just try and ignore it. I really didn't wanna get into it with him right now, so I put my phone in my room and forgot about it. 

***Marshall's POV***

 After a super long day of gift opening and a big ass dinner not only for Christmas but also for Hailie's birthday, I was sitting in my living room just watching dumb TV with Kim. We had actually been doing a lot better recently, which I was thankful for. I really thought we might divorce there for awhile, but we didn't. We were able to stick it out once again, but if things ever got really bad like that again, I don't know if we will be able too. I don't know if I'll be able to.

I told her I was done fighting with her constantly, and that this was my last straw. If she fucked this up, I was gonna be done. I was giving us one last final chance and if we ended up back in that same place of constant fighting and accusing each other of shit, then I was divorcing her. Without a second thought. Hailie wasn't gonna be enough anymore. Life had gotten far too fuckin' miserable to ever do that again. 

Me and Kim were sitting on the couch together, cuddling which was surprising for us, when she turned to me. "I love you so much." She said sweetly with a smile. 

I smiled back at her. "Love you too." I gave her lips a quick little peck then she started getting off of the couch. "Where ya goin'?" I gave her a sad glance. 

She shrugged. "Bed. I'm tired." 

I nodded. "Aight. I'ma just finish this show then i'll be up." 

"K. Can ya please be quiet when ya come in though? I don't want ya to wake me." 

"What if I wake ya up to fuck?" I smirked at her. 

She rolled her eyes and I felt a pang of hurt hit me. "Ugh, Marshall no. I'm really tired." 

I quickly wiped the smirk off my face. "Aight. I was just jokin' anyway." 

She raised her eyebrows and nodded. "Sure ya were." She started walking upstairs. "Night!" 

"Yeah, night!" I said with my eyes on the TV. 

Thirty minutes later as the show was finishing I heard my phone ding twice that was sitting on my coffee table in front of me. I picked it up, still looking at the TV and flipped it open. 

From: Angel

"U too. Thanks!"

From: Angel 

"And happy birthday too Hailie!"

 Shit. I can't believe she actually responded for once. And she remembered Hailie's birthday too. Well, I guess it's a pretty easy birthday to remember, but still. I didn't know if I should respond, but if she was gonna respond then so was I. I needed to take any chance I got with her. 

To: Angel

"I'll let her know." 

Nah, that ain't enough for her to respond. I typed out another message trying to hopefully get her to reply. 

To: Angel

"I'm in New York for New Years. Where are U going out to?" 

I kept my phone open, waiting for her response, but it never came. I was supposed to go out to Studio 54, and I was also supposed to go with Kim which I was nervous about. If we hadn't been doing so well, then she wouldn't have wanted to come, but since we were, she did. And I couldn't say no. Especially being in New York. She would be so suspicious if I said no to her coming, knowing that Angel lives there. 

After an hour of waiting for her response, I decided I'd just go to bed. I mean, I might see her in a few days anyway, so she can't hide for long. I flipped off the TV, and wandered upstairs. I got into my room and Kim was passed out. I tried to get in to bed as quietly as possible, but she still woke up. 

"Are ya fuckin' kidding, Marshall? I specifically asked ya to be quiet." She said annoyed while getting up and walking to the bathroom. 

"I'm sorry! I tried to be quiet." I defended myself.  

I heard her scoff from the bathroom. "Not hard enough."

I rolled my eyes and just turned over onto my side. I really wasn't about to do this right now. I just wanted to go to bed, and that's what I did. Kim crawled back in beside me and fell asleep almost immediately, so what the fuck was she so mad about? She's such a bitch sometimes. 

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