August 1999 (1)

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***Angel's POV***

Tonight was my birthday and I was currently in my big beautiful walk in bathroom getting ready with Zoe. We had music blaring and we were just drinking, singing, and having so much fun. Since it was my birthday, I figured I'd change up my fashion a little bit. I chose to wear a gold sparkly tank top that was cropped, and super low cut. I matched it with big gold hoop earrings and then I put on tight black snakeskin jeans that sat right above where my pelvic area started. I added a black belt and the belt buckle was a giant gold 'A'.

It was definitely a different style from what I normally did, but once again I figured what the hell. It's my birthday. Why not try somethin' different? We were almost ready to go but Zoe said she just wanted to call Denaun before we left. She told him we were headed over to Prodigy's and they said they loved each other and hung up. 

"Ready?" I said to her as I walked over to the door to start putting my heels on. 

"Hell yes!" She put hers on and we got my driver to come pick us up. Aidan I'm sure was already over there, considering how much he had been hangin' out with their crew so I figured we'd just meet him there. 

Half an hour later we pulled up to his house and it was already packed full of people. You could hear the music blaring from down the block and I was so excited. I thought it was so sweet that he was willing to throw me a party. I never would have expected that from him if he didn't offer, especially since when he did offer we weren't even dating. 

But, since then, we had started dating. One could argue that meant I was completely over Marshall, and truthfully, I felt like I was. After we talked in person, I was really sad, but it just solidified to me that we were one hundred percent over. He was married now, and I needed to move on. Sitting around thinking about him and crying over him wasn't serving me a purpose anymore, so I needed to let go. 

The good thing about Prodigy was that he didn't have a baby mama that he was hung up on. He did have a baby mama, but they were only together for about a year, so it was nothing in comparison to Marshall and Kim. I felt way better knowing that Prodigy didn't have some crazy ass history with a girl, like Marshall did. I felt way safer emotionally in this relationship than I ever did with Marshall, just because of that one single fact. 

We walked in and everyone was greeting me and wishing me a happy birthday. Prodigy spotted me from I swear a mile away and shoved through a bunch of people to get to me. "Happy birthday, lil ma!" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in to kiss him while he had a drink in the other hand. 

I smiled and laughed. "Thanks baby." 

He walked me and Zoe over to the kitchen where Aidan was and he gave me the biggest hug which made me so happy. We have kinda been fighting a little bit lately because he felt like I was 'moming' him, and I probably was, but it was for his own good. Unless he wanted to wind up back in jail. 

Prodigy handed me a drink and then he put his arm back around me while we talked with everyone. I had my arm also around his back and then something started to nudge me. I looked at his back and realized it was his gun he had in the back of his pants. 

I nudged him so he would pay attention to me and he turned his head towards me. "Baby, why ya always gotta have that thing on ya?" I motioned with my head towards his back.

"Ya know how many people are here, baby? I'm just tryna protect ya." 

"I ain't carry mine on me all the time." 

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah, but ya should. 

I shrugged and looked around at all the people here. I really only knew half of them. The rest were Prodigy and Havoc's friends, but I never felt unsafe. 

We continued on with our drinking and smoking, and I was feeling pretty drunk at this point. Prodigy brought me out a single cupcake with a candle on it and told me to make a wish. I was so grateful for that little gesture, I thought it was incredibly sweet of him to do that. We both shared the cupcake and ended up getting it all over each other's faces because we were both so drunk. 

At around one am the party was still going hard, and I was getting pretty sloppy. We were all talking, and laughing when all of a sudden we heard loud bangs that sounded like gun shots, and then windows started breaking. 

"GET THE FUCK DOWN BABY!" Prodigy yelled at me and pushed me hard towards the ground. Thankfully, Aidan had left at half past nine because of his probation, so I didn't have to worry about him. Everybody at the party hit the floor and Prodigy, Havoc, and a bunch of their boys all ran outside and started shooting. There was multiple loud bangs going off for about thirty seconds and I figured the shots must have came from a car driving by, which is why they went outside.

I had no idea where Zoe was, I hadn't seen her for about twenty minutes and I just hoped to god she was in the bathroom. Five minutes later they all came back inside and Prodigy immediately started yelling for me while everyone started getting back up. 

"I'm here!" I yelled back and pushed through everyone to go to him. 

"You aight? You okay?" He grabbed my waist and inspected my body. 

I nodded. "Yeah baby, I'm fine." It really didn't scare me too bad, that was just kinda how Brooklyn was. "What the fuck happened?!" I questioned him. 

He shook his head. "I think I know exactly who the fuck it was. Some punk i've been beefin' with." 

I nodded. "I gotta find Zoe." I pulled away from him and started shoving through all the people who were trying to leave to find her. I started opening any door I saw and yelling for her and five minutes later I found her, thankfully in the bathroom. 

"You okay?!" I threw my arms around her. 

"Yeah, what the fuck was that?!"

I shook my head. "Some people Alb is beefin' with drove by and shot at us." 

"Jesus fuck, why?!" 

"Probably somethin' to do with their drugs." 

She nodded and we both exited the bathroom. We came back out and pretty much everyone had piled out except Prodigy, Havoc, and their close friends. The cops had shown up and Prodigy was talking to them telling them what happened. 

I don't think he said too much, except that it was just a drive by. I wouldn't be surprised if he lied to them about knowing who it was, 'cause snitches get stitches. I figured too he was also wanting to deal with it on his own, which stressed me out. 

After the cops left we all cleaned up the broken glass and figured out how to patch up the window. We didn't have any wood to board it up, so we just put trash bags with duck tape over them. I was supposed to stay the night at Prodigy's, but now I didn't really wanna due to the windows. But I knew we were definitely gonna have to now, because of the windows. Someone could easily break in, and that's a whole other problem we didn't wanna have to deal with. 

We finished and the rest of the group left. Zoe was the last to leave and I made sure she was okay to go home. She reassured me she was fine so I let her leave. We said bye to her and I walked to the kitchen to go get some water. 

"Ya sure ya okay, baby?" Prodigy grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. 

I nodded. "Im fine. Promise." I smiled at him and he kissed me. "Please don't go and be tryna get revenge and shit though, k?" 

"Baby, I gotta. I ain't lettin' that shit slide." 

"Is it really necessary? What'd this guy do to ya?" I pulled away from him and drank my water.

 "That doesn't matter."

I rolled my eyes. "Why ya always so fuckin' secretive 'bout this shit? I know the shit ya do." 

"Yeah, but I ain't wanna get ya involved in it. If ya know the details then ya could be called to testify if I ever get charged." 

I shrugged. "I guess so." 

"Don't worry 'bout me, baby. I can handle my own, aight?" He put his hands on the side of my face and kissed me. 

"I know." I kissed him back. 

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