March 2001 (1)

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***Angel's POV***

It was nearing the end of March and I was now only a few weeks away from my two month mark in my pregnancy. I had only gained about a pound, so I definitely wasn't showing at all, but I was still pregnant nonetheless, and that was all me or Marshall cared about. 

We were no where near being able to find out the sex of the baby, but me and Marshall decided pretty early on that we wanted to wait and be surprised. So because of that, we had been bouncing both girl names and boy names off of each other. We had decided that if it was a boy, we would name him Desmond, and if it was a girl, we would name her Aisha. Truthfully, I liked Desmond way more than Aisha, and I knew in my gut it was gonna be a boy so I let Marshall pick out Aisha.

We hadn't told the kids yet that I was pregnant, since I still wasn't completely out of the woods as far as a miscarriage goes. The doctor had told me that the first three months are the most common for miscarriages, and we just didn't want the kids to get all excited and then have to tell them that we lost it. Marshall really wanted to tell them though since he was so excited, so I promised him that we could do it right at my three month mark, but not a day earlier. 

Even though I was pregnant, I still was about to drop my third album. Since it was about to drop, I had my release party tonight. I already had it all planned before I got pregnant, so I couldn't cancel it but that was okay. I didn't really wanna cancel it since I was still so excited for it, but I knew it was gonna be difficult considering everyone around me was gonna be fucked up and I was gonna be the only sober one. I didn't mind that I had to be sober because it was for my baby, but just dealing with a bunch of fucked up people at my own release party was not the ideal way to spend my night. 

Since it was planned so long ago, it was being held in New York which I was so excited about! This was the first time that I had been back to New York since I moved and I really didn't realize how much I had missed it until I stepped foot in the city. It was weird though, me and Marshall had decided to just stay in a hotel since I didn't wanna put Aidan and Jill out and it felt very bizarre to be staying in a hotel in my own city. Zoe had said the same thing to me awhile ago, and I didn't understand at the time, but I definitely did now. 

We landed in New York last night and me and Marshall went over to Aidan's to go hang out with them and my dad for a bit. I had yet to tell any of them that I was pregnant, so we also did that while we were there. Everyone was so excited and happy for us, but they all thought it was funny that I got pregnant almost as soon as I moved. I agreed, it was really funny because of course I would get pregnant as soon as I moved! But I guess it makes sense. Me and Marshall had always fucked like rabbits, but now that we had 24/7 access to each other, our sex life had definitely spiked even more. 

Like I said, we had only been in New York since last night, but my release party was tonight. We were leaving tomorrow which I was sad about, but Aidan and Jill were getting my dad to babysit for them tonight so they were able to come which I was so happy about! They had missed my last release party since Jill was pregnant at the time, but this time they were actually able to come. They had met all of us at the hotel so we could all go together and then they would just take a taxi home whenever they were ready to leave. 

Since I still had my body, I decided to take full advantage while I could. I was wearing a white bikini top with blue flowers all over it, and matching string bikini bottoms that hung out of my low rise leather pants. The pants were a mustard yellow colour and also had flowers, tigers, and flaming hearts all over them. I bunched them up around my shins and then added slouchy leather heeled boots that were a few shades darker than the pants. The boots met the pants almost at the exact same length and then I added my big diamond chain that read 'ANGEL' to top it off. I chose that one specifically since it was the one I was wearing in not only the cover for the record, but also in The Jump Off music video. I had my hair a little longer than shoulder length, curly, and it's natural black colour half tied up in a high pony and the other half was left down. If this was gonna be my last public appearance for awhile, I really wanted to go all out. 

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