September 1999 (2)

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***Marshall's POV***

It was the night of the MTV Awards and I was so fuckin' nervous. I was nervous because I was performing, I was nervous because I had been nominated for four categories, and I was nervous because I was seeing Angel. I hadn't talked to her since I called her about her party getting shot up, and we kinda left things on a bad note so I was unsure about how tonight was gonna go. 

I was also annoyed because I knew her and fuckin' Prodigy were gonna be going together, and I was gonna have to sit next to that fuckin' guy and his whole crew! How much more fucked could this night get?! 

Me, D12 and Dre all showed up in our limo and I couldn't help but laugh at how underdressed I was compared to everyone else. All I was wearing as a white tank top, a short sleeve collard button up shirt that I had left open, black jeans and some white sneakers. Ah, well, what else would ya expect from Slim Shady?

I chucked a piece of gum in my mouth before we left the limo since it always helped with my nerves, and we hopped outta the car. I wasn't really that keen on the whole red carpet thing, so me and Dre took a few shots together, but they were really more funny than anything. 

As I was walking down towards the door, I heard everyone start screaming "Angel!" My neck snapped and I saw Prodigy helping her out of the limo. She stepped out and my jaw dropped to the fuckin' ground when I saw what she was wearing. Her whole fuckin' tit is out! 

Dre and all the boys started laughing but I couldn't stop staring. She noticed me looking at her, and while Prodigy was looking away she shot me a quick middle finger with a dead cold stare. I blinked a few times and then I felt Proof start to push me. 

"Move doody! We gotta go in! Stop starin' at the bitch!" 

"Aight, aight, aight." I said and started to walk, but I still couldn't take my eyes off her. Damn. I was really gonna have to sit next to that shit all night. 

We made our way in and were escorted to our seats. There was a fuck tonne of people already here, and I just couldn't believe how many fuckin' famous people were here. This shit was crazy. I made sure Proof and Dre were sitting beside me, so I wouldn't have to sit too close to Angel, but we ended up taking the whole row up so I knew it wouldn't be too bad. 

Fifteen minutes later I saw Angel walk past me and her and their whole crew were escorted to the seats directly in front of us. She was sitting two spots away from being directly in front of me, but it didn't stop me from staring at her. Zoe was sitting beside her, and Porter was directly behind her so they were talking and giggling together the whole time.  

I saw Angel grab Prodigy's hand and they kept whispering in each other's ears, making each other laugh what seemed like fuckin' constantly. God will they ever fuckin' stop? I know he ain't that funny. 

I felt Proof nudge me in the ribs. "Stop bro." He whispered to me. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. I looked away and started talkin' to Dre to try and distract myself. 

Twenty minutes later everyone had piled in, and the show started. I eventually saw someone come take Angel and direct her towards the back of the stage for the award she was presenting and she flipped the hair of her purple wig and walked away. 

Shortly after Chris Rock introduced Angel and Mary J. Blige to the stage, and they introduced Diana Ross. Diana hugged Mary, and then went in for a hug with Angel. Before she did though she started playin' with her fuckin' exposed boob. Everyone in the crowd started laughing, and it was really fuckin' funny, but I just couldn't believe what I was watching. Although, I have seen a chick eat Angel's pussy before, so I guess it was nothin' compared to that. 

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