September 1998 (4)

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***Angel's POV***

The next morning I woke up to my neck being kissed repeatedly and a hand stroking my side. I let out a little "mm" and I smiled to myself as I let my eyes flutter open. Wait. What the fuck? My eyes got big and I shot up. I saw white boy laying on my couch, naked, looking even more confused than I was. 

"What the fuck are you doing? What the fuck are you doing HERE?" My voice was panicked and I quickly picked up a shirt off the ground and threw it on.  

His eyebrows knitted together. "What are you talking about?"  

"You were supposed to leave! Why didn't you leave?!" I stood up fast, nearly knocking my bong over.

"Woah, chill out. We fell asleep." 

"No, I fell asleep! You should have left!"

"Angel, I fell asleep right after you. I'm sorry."  

"K well you need to leave now!" I almost ran to my kitchen to get away from him. 

He quickly threw his sweatpants on and followed me to the kitchen. I tried to ignore him and started making coffee. "Yo, can you chill out please? What the fuck is wrong?" He put his hands on my waist and my body tensed up. 

"Marshall, you need to leave. Now." My voice was stern. 

He dropped his hands from my waist. "What? Ya got a boyfriend comin' home soon or somethin'?"

"No, you just need to go. Please go." 

"Aight, tell me what the fuck is wrong and I'll go." 

I sighed in frustration and turned around to face him. "You slept over! When I specifically asked you to leave after we were done! And then you slept with me on the couch! Naked I might add! And to top it all off, you're fuckin' kissin' my neck and shit in the morning to wake me up!" 

"What the fuck is your problem? We fucked! Who cares if I sleep over?!" 

"I care! Sex is just physical! All that other shit you did, that's intimate! I don't fuck with that!" 

"Jesus, you're fuckin' insane. Take my shirt off, I'm leavin'." I looked down at the shirt I was wearing and realized it was his. FUCK! I shoved past him and went into my room to go take it off and put on my own clothes. As I was in the middle of changing I heard my phone start to ring. 

"Can you answer that?" I yelled, still pissed off. 

"Ya sure it's not too intimate?" He yelled back and I rolled my eyes. The ringing stopped and I heard him start talking. 


"Uh, okay?" 

"Yo, who's this?" 

"Yeah, one sec."  

I walked out and he handed me the phone. 


"Yo, who was that?" Aidan sounded surprised. 

"Doesn't matter. Listen, I can't really talk right now. Can you call me back tomorrow?" 

"Uh yeah, but I just needed to tell you somethin' real quick." 

"What's up?"

"They denied my parole." I felt a lump form in my throat and I didn't respond. "Hello?" He said again. 

"Aidan, why?" My voice cracked. 

"They wanted me to admit I had a bigger role in the robbery than I did!" 

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