October 1998 (4)

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***Angel's POV***

The next afternoon me and Marshall were still sound asleep in his bed from being so hungover. Not only from the alcohol, but also from the ecstasy. Now I'm not a doctor, but for whatever reason, ecstasy always leaves you feeling like absolute dog shit the next day. So, we stayed in bed as long as our hearts desired. At around one o'clock, we were both jolted awake by aggressive banging on his front door. 

"Who is that?" I mumbled with my eyes still closed.

He groaned. "I don't know. Go back to sleep, they'll go away." He reached over and pulled me into him.

The door kept being banged on and now there was some high pitched yelling coming from outside the house. I think at one point I heard them yelling Marshall's name with a mix of cuss words. 

"Fuck!" Marshall got out of bed angrily. "Stay here, baby." I nodded sleepily and he went to go answer the door. 

Thirty seconds after Marshall got out of bed I heard screaming and yelling coming from what sounded like a woman. Marshall started yelling back but since they were both screaming I couldn't make out what was being said. 

I sat up trying to listen to what was going on, and debated if I should go out there or not. He did tell me to stay in bed, but under what circumstances? I listened some more and then it sounded like things were being thrown around and broken. 

I quickly put on some pants and walked out of the room. I walked down the hallway and the screaming got louder and louder. The living room came into view and I saw a blonde woman going absolutely nuts and throwing shit at Marshall. My blood started to boil and I marched out of hallway and started yelling. 

"What the fuck is going on here?!" 

"I knew you had a fuckin' whore sleepin' here!" The blonde woman spat at Marshall. 

"Excuse me?!" I yelled back to her.

"Angel, go back to the room!" Marshall yelled to me. 

"Nah, who the fuck is this bitch?!" 

"I'm his fiance!" 

"Fiance?!" I yelled to Marshall. 

"Angel, she ain't my fuckin' fiance." 

"No you're right, I'm just some bitch who had your kid!" She said sarcastically and I instantly realized who this person was. 

"Aight, well unless you're here for somethin' do to with his fuckin' kid, it's time for you to go bitch." I walked towards her and grabbed her arm to pull her towards the front door.

"Don't fuckin' touch me!" She yanked her arm away and shoved me.  

"I said it's time to go, bitch!" I tried to grab her arm again but she slapped me across the face.

I slapped her back a few times and Marshall quickly ran over and pulled her away from me. "KIM! Leave or I'm callin' the fuckin' cops!" He yelled at her and she released her grip from him. 

"You're never gonna fuckin' see Hailie ever again!" She yelled back and walked towards the door.

"Fuckin' bitch!" He yelled and slammed the door behind her. A few seconds later he sighed and turned around. "I'm sorry." He walked over to me. 

"You were engaged?" I raised my eyebrows at him. 

"After Hailie was born I felt like that was what I was supposed to do." 

"Jesus fuck, Marshall! You never told me that." I rubbed my face with my hands. 

"Cause it doesn't fuckin' matter! We ain't together now, so who cares?" 

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