April 1999 (2)

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***Marshall's POV***

I landed in New York and I felt sick. I used to land in New York and get butterflies, knowing I was about to see Angel. My baby girl, the girl I worked so hard on letting me in. And now I was just about to ruin it. All of it. Everything we had built together was about to be destroyed in under five minutes. I hated myself, and right now in this moment, I hated Kim. I hated that I kept going back to her, hoping for something to change, but it never did. I don't know why I thought this time would be any different, but I would always be willing to try as long as I had Hailie. 

I made my way to the car that was gonna take me to Angel's, and I decided to give her a call and let her know I was on my way. She sounded so excited to see me, and I felt that same nausea that I had been feeling for weeks every time I talked to her. I hung up the phone and that nausea quickly became a bigger problem. 

"Yo, pull over." I said the driver. 

"Sir, I can't pull over we-"

"PULL OVER!" I felt him swerve and then quickly stop the car. I swung the door open and I only had enough time to stick my head out before the vomit came spewing out of me. It kept coming and felt like it was never gonna stop. I sat there dry heaving for a few minutes and then once I was finally done I quickly spit and closed the door again. I wiped at my mouth and I had the awful taste of vomit on my tongue. 

"Sorry 'bout that. Uh, do ya got water? Or like mouth wash in here?" I looked around the car.

"Yes sir. There's water in the side door." 

"Thanks bro." 

I took a few swigs and opened the door again to spit it out. "Aight, thanks. I'm good now." I slammed the door shut and he took off driving again. We pulled up to her house and the whole drive over my mind was spinning. I had no idea what the fuck I was gonna say to her, or how I was gonna start that conversation. 

"Am I dropping your luggage off at the hotel, sir?" 

I sighed. "Yeah. Thanks." 

"You're welcome. And what time shall I pick you up at?" 

"Uh, I don't know. Gimme maybe two or three hours?" 

He nodded. "Of course. Have a nice visit, Mr. Mathers." 

I scoffed. "Thanks." 

I walked up to her door and fuckin' Bert was outside. He said hi to me and normally, I would love to talk to him, but I really couldn't right now, which I felt bad about. I just gave him a little head nod and then walked up her stairs. I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer. 

The door swung open and she had a giant smile on her face. "BABY!" She squealed and jumped on me. 

I laughed and wrapped my arms around her. "Hey baby." She was leaving kisses all over the side of my face and neck. I felt my throat started to burn and she moved her kisses away from my neck to my mouth. I could feel my insides melting from her sweet kisses, and I know I should have stopped her, but I didn't. 

As selfish as it is, I wanted one last memory with her, so I kissed her back. I walked in the door way and kicked the door closed. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and started walking us to her bedroom. My hands explored the whole back of her, so that after it was all said and done, I wouldn't forget what she felt like. 

I laid us down on the bed and I moved her shirt up slightly. My fingertips trailed over her warm soft skin which left her with goosebumps. She had my face in her hands and I pulled my lips away from hers. I stared into her deep brown eyes for a moment and I felt like I was gonna cry again. "I love you so fuckin' much, Angel. Please don't ever forget that." 

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