March 2000 (2)

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***Marshall's POV***

Since my new single for the Marshall Mathers LP was about to drop next week, I was in New York doing all the promotion I had to get done for it. I only had about two days of promotion I had to do, but I decided to stay a whole week so I could spend some time with Angel. Me and Kim were completely done, so I had really been trying to just give Angel all the attention and effort that she deserved from me. I felt like I had neglected her so much for that last month we were together, so I was really just tryna make it up to her and show her that I was never gonna do her like that again. I knew what the fuck I wanted this time around, that was for sure.

As I said, me and Kim were completely done. Well, emotionally at least. She was still stayin' at my place, but I was usually gone anyway so it didn't bother me too much. We were really strugglin' to find her a new house, and it was like every fuckin' house she was showed there was somethin' wrong with it. She wasn't happy with a god damn thing, so it had definitely been a process.

Neither of us had filed for divorce yet either, which I don't really have a good excuse for, but I think it was mainly just because it was so busy with trying to find a house for her and the kids, and with me constantly going between LA and Detroit, and now New York if things kept going well with me and Angel. I didn't tell Angel that we hadn't filed yet though. I didn't feel like I was trying to hide it from her because it was Angel who never wanted to talk about Kim with me, and I also just didn't want her to doubt me. I was in it one hundred and ten percent with Angel, and I was gonna file for the divorce soon, but it was just dependent on when.

I don't know if Angel was in it one hundred and ten percent with me though. She seemed a little distant whenever we spoke or every time I saw her, and wasn't even wanting me to stay at her place. I understood why she was acting that way, she was scared shitless of me. It was almost more difficult getting through to her this time than it was when we first met, which I also understood, but it did upset me. I wished she felt safe emotionally with me, but I just knew I was gonna have to prove to her that she was. It was my fault she felt that way in the first place, so it was my job to fix it.

Just because she wasn't wanting me to stay at her place, didn't mean I couldn't come over though. She said it was mainly just the fact that she didn't want Aidan or his girlfriend Jillian to know we were seeing each other again until things got more serious with us, and I understood that and wanted to respect her boundaries, but it still made me sad.

It was in the middle of the week so Angel still had her own work she had to do, and I was kinda just following her around to where ever she needed to go. I didn't mind at all, I just loved being with her. Since Aidan and Jillian were at work, we were currently at her house about to go down to her studio because she wanted to do a couple things for her new album she was working on. I was so excited to listen to what she's been doing for this one since I didn't get to see her working on Notorious Angel at all. She said she had been trying something different for it, and I really wanted to know what that meant. Hopefully it meant all her rhymes weren't gonna be about her pussy anymore.

We walked downstairs and I couldn't believe the fuckin' set up she had for her home studio. "Holy shit, Angel!" I said mesmerized at all of her crazy nice equipment.

She giggled and sat down at the soundboard to start turning everything on. "Ya like it?"

"Oh my god baby, this place is ridiculous." I sat down on the other chair that was pulled up to the soundboard.

"I'm sure yours is better." She smiled.

"If I said it was would ya come move in with me?" I pulled her chair closer to me and kissed her lips softly.

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