October 1999 (1)

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***Angel's POV***

We released the Quiet Storm Remix video and song a few days ago, and it had been received really well. Especially after my arrest, it did even better than we expected which was surprising to me. I think it was specifically because my arrest was connected to Prodigy and Mobb Deep. So I guess it's true what they say. All publicity is good publicity. 

Speaking of Prodigy, that poor dude had been beating himself up for weeks about my arrest. I felt really bad, since it wasn't his fault. I told him numerous times that I chose to do it, and he didn't make me do anything. But he still felt really guilty. I honestly did kinda wanna break up with him though, once again not because I blamed him, but because I really wasn't lookin' for jail time, and it just kinda felt like I was going down a path that I really shouldn't be. 

Marshall was right. Since we had broken up, I had been shot at and arrested, and that just wasn't a good look overall. I needed to be here for my family, to take care of them. I couldn't be so fuckin' reckless and dumb if I wanted to stay alive and outta jail. 

I really hadn't had a chance to break up with him yet though. I was so fuckin' busy all the time between photoshoots, video shoots, and workin' on the album. I also needed to figure out a way to break up with so that we could remain friends. I know that's so cliche, but I truly did wanna remain friends with him, Havoc, and their whole crew. We had all sorta become a little family since I had started hanging out with them, and I wanted to keep that intact as best I could. 

Even though I was so busy all the time, I had taken today and the next couple days off work to help Aidan move in his new girlfriend, Jillian. She was the one who was pregnant, and I guess they had chosen to start dating. I just hoped to god that he wasn't dating her solely because she was pregnant. He said he wasn't, and that they had been hanging out almost every day since he found out she was pregnant and they really liked each other. So, as long as he was happy, I was happy. 

After we finished moving all of Jillian's shit in for the day, I figured I'd go over to Prodigy's and talk to him about how I've been feeling. I was a little nervous, considering I had never actually had to break up with someone. My only other relationship I was the one that got broken up with, and I definitely did not want this break up to go the same way as that one. 

I pulled up to his house and took a big deep breath before I exited the car. Once I felt like I was ready I walked up to the door and knocked on it a few times. His place is so big, sometimes he cant hear the door depending where he is in the house, so I made sure my knocks were loud. A few minutes later the door swung open and he greeted me with a big smile.

"Hey!" I said with a smile back as he opened the door. 

"Hey baby, how are ya?" He gave me a quick kiss on the side of my head and I followed him inside. 

"Good! How are you? How was ya day?" 

"It was aight, just went to the studio all day with Havoc." We walked into his living room and he had all his guns laid out on the coffee table. 

"Whatcha doin' with those?" I jutted my chin towards the guns as I made myself comfortable on the couch across from him. 

"Just cleanin' 'em. Haven't done it in awhile." He grabbed one and went back to cleaning it.

I nodded. "Hey, can I talk to ya 'bout somethin'?" 

He looked up at me from his gun and continued shining it. "Yeah, whaddup?" 

"I-uh..." I kept stuttering and fidgeting with my hands. Fuck, this is harder than I thought it was gonna be. "I think we should break up, Alb." Good job, Angel. Finally got it out.  

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