March 2000 (1)

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***Angel's POV***

I had been sorta seeing Marshall again for a little under a month, and things were going pretty well. When I say 'sorta seeing' I mean I had seen him once since February, but he called me every single day. I purposefully never called him, I wanted him to have to work for it again. He kept telling me he was in the process of trying to divorce Kim, which I didn't really know what that meant, but I trusted him. He said he was trying to move her out of the house, but things were complicated with all the kids, as well as just buying a new house is such a process. I didn't really like to talk to him about it though, because it really wasn't any of my business, as well as I just didn't wanna talk about his fuckin' wife. 

I was also uninterested in him and Kim's situation because I was still fuckin' around with a bunch of different dudes, Prodigy included. As long as Marshall was married, as far as I was concerned, I was single. He definitely didn't know that though, 'cause knowing Marshall he would blow a fuckin' gasket if he found out, but I also wasn't tryna hide it either. I just went about my business as usual and was sorta just waiting to see how this whole Kim thing turns out. There was no way in fuckin' hell I was gonna get all in his shit again just to get hurt for a second time around. He was gonna have to prove to me that him and Kim were really over and that he would never do what he did to me ever fuckin' again for me to just exclusively date him. 

Today, I was currently trying to start working on my third studio album before I went away on tour for a bit in June. I was downstairs in my studio, frustrated and feeling like I wanted burn my whole studio down due my lack of creativity when I heard my phone ding behind me. 

I groaned and got up from the soundboard. I grabbed my phone from the side table and flipped it open. 

From: Prodigy 

"Ya busy?"

I shrugged. This could be exactly what I need to get out of my creative dry spell. 

To: Prodigy

"Nope. What u got in mind?"

I sat on the couch behind the soundboard and waited for his response which was almost immediate. I chuckled at how fast he replied. 

From: Prodigy

"Come over."

To: Prodigy


I got up and flipped everything off. I made my way upstairs and ran to the bathroom first to check myself out in the mirror before I left. I quickly fixed my makeup and checked my phone one last time before I walked out the door. 

From: Prodigy

"I'm not home. I'm staying at Four Seasons. Room 213."

I scrunched my eyebrows together. Why the fuck wasn't he at home? Whatever. I'll still go. 

To: Prodigy


After an hour of sitting in traffic, I finally arrived to the hotel. I parked in the underground parking lot and made my way in. I pulled the hood on my jacket up so I wouldn't get noticed and took the stairs. I found his room and knocked on the door. 

The door swung open and Prodigy greeted me with a wide smile. "Yo! How ya doin'?" He moved out of the way so I could step in. 

"Good! How you doin'? Why ya not at home?" I walked in and took my jacket off. 

"Busted pipes. My whole place is flooded." 

I raised my eyebrows in shock. "Holy fuck! How much do ya have to replace?!" 

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