Authors Note

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Hiiiii! I couldn't stay away for too long, I love writing far too much LOL. So, welcome back to another story of mine :) I hope everyone's been doing well and staying safe! 

This story is going to be quite different from my other ones. It takes place in 1998 and Marshall is working on the SSLP which makes him 26 at the time. Angel, the main character, is 22 and a waitress. I know that description doesn't sound that interesting but I don't wanna give away too much hahah. 

One last thing, I probably wont be able to upload the chapters as consistently as I did for my other stories. I'm finished my spring semester now and my province has been lifting restrictions for us, so me and my boyfriend are supposed to go camping, and go visit fam we haven't seen in like six months lol, so lots of things going on! I hope you guys don't mind, summer's my favourite season and I don't wanna miss out on anything more. That being said, I have about five chapters currently written so I should be able to keep up for a bit!

Anywhooo, hope everyone enjoys this story as much as the last. I originally wrote it like 5 different ways and then I would get another idea, and another idea, so now it's this lol. I've definitely been overthinking it so I just wanted to put it out there and see what you guys think. As always, comments and critiques are more than welcomed, and enjoy! :)  

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