August 1998 (2)

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***Angel's POV***

Seven rolled around and I finally got off work. I quickly changed back into my clothes and stuffed my work uniform into my backpack. I walked back home and I couldn't wait to go call Zoe and tell her my news. I dropped my backpack on the floor of my kitchen and dialed her number. 

"Hey! Did you just get off?"

"Yeah, I did. But guess what?"


"Ai gave my demo to some guy who knows people at Bad Boy and he's gonna pass it along to them!" I spoke as fast as I could and I immediately heard her scream into the phone. 

I started laughing. "Okay, okay, calm down. Are you still wanting to do something tonight?" 

"Absofuckinlutely! We have to go out and celebrate! What are you thinkin'?"

"Well I got invited to the club thats by my work tonight by some guys. We could do that?" 

"Are they hot?" 

I laughed again. "Yeah, they're alright." 

"Why the hell not then?" 

"Okay, wanna come over in like..." I trailed off checking my watch. "An hour or so and we can get a cab?" 

"Definitely! See you soon, my soon to be queen of rap." 

I scoffed. "Alright, bye!" We both hung up and I went to the bathroom to start getting ready. 

I added a bit more makeup since we were going to a club, and then I let my hair down and straightened it. After I was done I went to my room to pick out something to wear. I really wanted to wear what I had worn last night, but that had alcohol spilt all over it. 

I searched through my closet and decided on just my tiny black dress that had yet to let me down. A few minutes later I heard my door open and I knew Zoe was here. 

"Angel! Bert's wondering if you have any weed?" She yelled as she walked down my hallway. 

"Living room!" I yelled back and started to walk out of my room to meet her while I put on a necklace. 

"Oooh, you look so fine! You tryna fuck these boys tonight?" She asked while she was rolling a joint for Bert.    

I laughed. "Maybe. I don't think I'd have to try that hard." I sat down beside her and started rolling another one for us.  

"Well just leave a couple of them for me." 

"Yeah, there's a few I think you'll like." I winked at her. "Hey, also. Don't say anything about Bad Boy tonight. It's embarrassing if nothing comes from it."

"Something's definitely gonna come from it, but fine! I'll keep your dirty little secret." She started laughing and I lightly nudged her with my shoulder.    

After we were done rolling our joints we grabbed our purses and went outside to go smoke with Bert. Ten minutes later we were all done and feeling good so Zoe flagged down a cab for us. We said bye to Bert and hopped in the cab. 

We finally arrived to the club at around nine, Zoe paid the driver for us and we got out. I scanned the line to see if they were there but they weren't. I was confused until I remembered white boy said he had VIP. We walked up to the bouncer and told him my name. He escorted us up to the VIP section and me and Zoe were hit with a wall of smoke, strippers, and alcohol. 

I grabbed Zoe's hand so I wouldn't lose her and we started walking through the crowded room. As we were walking I heard a voice call out. "Yo! Angel!" I snapped my neck towards where I heard the voice coming from and I saw that same familiar group all sitting on the couches. 

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