𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩

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      "I'm so stupid!" Y/n groaned as she slammed her head to her desk

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      "I'm so stupid!" Y/n groaned as she slammed her head to her desk. "I left my damn bento at my freaking house!"

      "The world hates me I swear to God." she whined. "How am I going to eat lunch?!"

      "I'll get something for you Y/n-chan!" Yashiro exclaimed as she dashed out of the classroom. Y/n scratched her hair in frustration.

      "Why did you left your lunch, Y/n-chan?" Aoi asked her while patting her head.

      "I have no idea." Y/n covered her face in embarrassment. "I'm so stupid, and I have a memory of a goldfish."

      Y/n sighed, she'll probably skip lunch for today. She made that bento and it will be a waste not eating it, unless someone willingly eat that.

      Time flew by and it was already Lunch Period. Y/n was clutching her stomach in hunger as it keep rumbling, she felt so weak.

      "Y/n! Oh my god!" Yashiro dashed towards her with a worried look on her face as she cupped her cheeks. "Are you okay?!"

      "N-Nene-chan." Y/n's eyes were almost soulless. Her voice grew weak and hoarse. "Why the fuck are you wearing an apron?"

      "Y/n! I know you still have some strength left!" Yashiro grabbed the hungry girl's wrist. "We have something for you."

      "What do you mean something?" Y/n stood up from her chair. "I need food!"

      Yashiro didn't answer her as she grabbed her arm and led her to the rooftop. The picnic mat is still there since there's literally no people on top. Y/n turned around and saw that the daikon girl was out of sight.

      "Y/n!" Hanako called her.

      "What?!" Y/n asked. "My stupid ass of a brain left my damn lunch at my house so I'm hungry and please refrain from doing———"

      Hanako gave her a bento box. Y/n blinked twice. "What's that?"

      The ghost's cheeks dusted with pink while talking in pout. "Yashiro told me that you left your lunch so she guided me to make you some."

      Y/n gently took the bento box and was a bit hesitant. She opened the box and gasped in delight. "Oh my god." she said.

      "Hanako-kun, this is so cute." Y/n pointed at the ghost-shaped sausages, the bunny-shaped rice balls and egg rolls. "You made this?!"

      "Like I said, Yashiro just helped me do these kinds of stuff." Hanako tells her as he gave her some chopsticks. "Now go eat that bento."

      Y/n sat down to the picnic mat along with Hanako. She took a piece of egg roll and ate it. Y/n hummed in satisfaction as she gave him a thumbs up.

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