Philly Feast Part 2

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When I finally came to, the first thing I felt was rage. Not fear, not my arms strapped to the wooden chair I was thrown in, not even the sack placed over my face, not the gag placed in my mouth to stop me from screaming- just pure, unadulterated rage.

I struggled against the restraints, ignoring the firm hands that roughly grabbed my shoulders. The only reason I stopped struggling was because I heard familiar, gagged, panicked whimpers and breaths from my left. Oh, no they fucking didn't. The instant the sack was removed from my face, I looked over.


Oh, these assholes are dead. Just as I was about to start raising hell, a man's voice spoke up from across the wooden table we were seated at.

"It's okay, you're safe now. You're safe, no one's going to harm you." As he spoke, our gags were removed and I looked over my right shoulder to the man standing behind me.

"Touch us and I'll fucking kill you." I warned calmy, venom dripping from every word I uttered. I heard the man chuckle from in front of Addy and I. Looking in his direction, my attention was turned to a woman, who I could only describe as dead, or at the very least- very, very sick.

"Oh, sweet child, that won't be necessary. Please, the last thing we want is to harm you."

"Our friends are looking for us, and when they find us, they will kill you. They will kill all of you!" Addy shouted, pulling against her restraints. She's right, there's no way in Hell these whackos are getting away with this- not with our friends- family out there. Let's just hope they can find us.

"I get it, you don't trust me." The man started, standing up and walking towards a small piano-organ-thing. He continued. "Why should you? I know you're not ready to hear this, but I'm gonna say it anyway. I'm sorry." Fucking, what?

"Oh, look at that, he's sorry. Right is wrong, up is down, and the zombie apocalypse suddenly never fucking happened." I sneered sarcastically. I saw the man shake his head at whoever was standing behind me.

"Who are you? What do you want with us?" Addy interrogated, trying to keep her panicked breathing to a minimum.

"Good questions. You know, I'd be angry if I were brought here against my will, too." Is he seriously trying to empathize with us right now? He sat on the wooden stool in front of the organ before continuing. "Please, I don't want you to be afraid." He stated, proceeding to play the instrument. Is this guy for real? "I- uh- I must apologize about my overzealous... companions. They're good men, but sometimes we have to resort to less than civilized means."

"Less than civilized means." I mocked in an annoying voice. He brushed off my comment yet again, before speaking. Does this guy ever shut the hell up?

"We live in a less than civilized world- you know it, I know it. So, when we encounter strangers, the family has to take necessary precautions."

"What family?" Addy questioned. No, don't entertain him, Addison. I sighed as he explained, over this whole monologue.

"Ours." He stated proudly. "This is our home, and I am responsible for their well being. I'm Tobias Campbell. I guess you can say I'm like a father to our little family." Well, news flash Tobias, our family is out there, searching for us- and when they find us, our father will make sure every last one of you dies or is left for the Z's.

"But, like a family, we take care of one another. Everyone contributes, everyone benefits. It's how we've survived the last three years; it's the only way we'll survive in the future. Don't you agree?" Addy and I glanced at each other before sending glares back at Tobias, not saying a word.

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