Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

We forgot we ever had a chance, so this is the end.

There's no love anymore,

But I don't care anymore

I woke up to an empty bed and surprisingly quiet house... That wasn't normal... Maybe... Maybe Harry had taken the kids out for ice cream...

"Haz?" I called out, standing up out of the bed. I grabbed a random shirt off the floor and walked out of our room. It was cold in the house, the wood floor nearly freezing off my bare feet as I walked down the hall.

"A.J.?" I slowly opened the door, frowning when I saw it was empty too. When I walked into the living room I saw Harry's hat sitting on the floor.

That was strange...

Harry never went anywhere without the blasted thing, and last I checked he set it on the coat rack every time we walked into the house.

"Harry?" I looked around, but I still couldn't find anything. There was a loud clattering noise coming from the kitchen, almost as if someone had knocked down a plate or something. I walked towards it, my hand running across the wall as I did. There was someone standing at the kitchen sink, but I could assure you he wasn't my husband.

I felt something warm on my feet, and I let out a blood curdling scream as I saw the red substance... along with what it was coming from.

Harry and A.J. lay motionless on the floor. Harry's arms were wrapped around A.J. almost as if he was trying to protect him.

The figure at the sink turned around, his hands and face covered in the blood that was once in my family.

He cracked a smile.

"Hello little brother."


I jolted up in the bed with a scream. Hot tears were streaming down my face and a pair of strong arms were wrapped around me. I struggled in the grip, flashes of my dream still vivid enough to where I couldn't trust who was holding me.

"Niall. Niall baby calm down. It's okay. It's okay. I got you." I heard Harry yelling over my screams, his arms leaving my waist and his hands now placed on my face. The lamp provided little light, but I could still make out his face. He, looked scared but scared was better than dead. He can be scared.

He can be scared.

"H-Harry." I sobbed out, falling forward and resting my head on his chest. I pulled at the shirt he was wearing, sobbing into his chest as I tried to convince myself he was real.

He had to be real.

He just had to be.

"You're okay baby..." Harry whispered, his fingers running through my hair. Eventually my sobbing stopped as I found comfort in Harry's heartbeat.

It was reassurance.

I needed it.

I needed him.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Harry whispered after a while.

"Yeah..." I whispered back, clenching my eyes closed and my fingers curling into Harry's shirt as a flash of it crossed my mind.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I can't remember what it was about." I lied, I was scared to tell him.

I didn't want him to know, and honestly I wasn't quite sure why myself.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... It was just a nightmare... I'll be okay." I whispered, but I had a feeling I wasn't going to be getting over it too soon.

"I'm here."

"I know."

"As long as you know..."

"I... I love you Harry."

"I love you too... Do you wanna try to sleep?" Harry didn't sound too sure about it, his hand slowing from running his fingers through my hair.

"I... I don't think I can. You can... I'll just lay with you."

"You sure you don't remember?" Harry asked, and I sighed when I knew he didn't believe me.

"I... I don't wanna talk about it Harry." I whispered after a moment, grimacing as a flash of my dream replayed.

"It helps if you talk about it..."

"I don't want to... I... I don't think I can tell you about it without breaking down again. It seemed so real Harry..." I hiccuped, the sudden sense of lose coming over me. I looked down at my hands to see they were shaking, and when I blinked they were covered in blood.

"It was just a nightmare baby." Harry whispered, wrapping his arms around once more. It was comforting but I couldn't get the image of him lifeless on the kitchen floor out of my head.

"C-Can you grab A.J.?" I asked, I needed them both close. I needed to be reassured they were okay.

"Okay... Will you be okay alone for a minute?"

"Y-Yeah..." Harry sighed before kissing the top of my head. He let go of me and I tried not to freak at the sudden lose. Instead I rested my hands on the twins, even though they weren't moving yet they kept me semi calm. Harry left the room but it felt like he was taking forever to grab A.J.

"I can't wait for the both of you..." I whispered, trying to fill the silence with some sort of noise so I wouldn't feel so alone.

"I can't wait to find out what you are... I can't wait until you start kicking... I just can't wait for you..." I smiled at the bump with teary eyes, and I let out a little hiccup when Harry walked into the room. A.J. was still fast asleep, his head sliding off Harry's shoulder as Harry reached the bed. I kissed A.J.'s forehead before laying back down on the bed. The three of us lay there as the hours went by. Neither Harry or I fell back asleep, he just watched me as I ran my fingers through. A.J.'s hair. Occasionally I would feel his hand rub against the twins, and he would give me a reassuring smile every time I looked at him.

Eventually though, I did fall asleep.

And everything was okay.




But I updated like two of my other stories today, it's some sort of miracle cause one of them I hadn't updated since July and the other one I updated in September.


I suck.

I really do xD

BUT HUGE THANKS TO THOSE WHO SUGGESTED NAMES. I've picked out the names now, but they won't be revealed for a little while :)

ALSO IM ALMOST AT 100K votes overall. Like wtf. How'd that happen?

Kinda freaky.


I'm gonna go now.

I love you guys.




Connie xx

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