Chapter Fifty-Six

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Chapter Fifty-Six

With her wine-stained lips, yeah, she nothing but trouble

Cold to the touch but she's warm as a devil

I gave her my heart but she wont heal my soul

She takes 'til I break and I can't get more

"Daddy, I want Mac and Cheese." Was the first thing A.J. said once he entered the kitchen. He had a blanket tied around his neck and a batman mask on his face, he was also carrying his elephant and to be quite honest I don't think he's put it down today.

"We had Mac and Cheese last night Alexander." I sighed. It wasn't that I didn't like Mac and Cheese....

I just really didn't like Mac and Cheese every single night.

"I want Mac and Cheese." A.J said, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at me.

"We're not having Mac and Cheese."


"Alexander I am not going to make Mac and Cheese tonight."


"I already told you why."

"It is stupid." He said, stomping his little foot as he looked at me.

"And you're going to end up in timeout here in a second if you keep up the attitude Alexander."

"I no attitude. I want Mac and Cheese."

"And I said no. No means no Alexander Jace."

"Mummy would say yes."

"Mummy isn't making dinner tonight."

"I ask Mummy to make Mac and Cheese." A.J. nearly yelled before running off. I let out a very loud groan, looking up the ceiling as I tried to ask God why my son was being so difficult.

We aren't having Mac and Cheese.

Is that so bloody hard to understand?!

I sighed when I saw he had left his elephant on the floor, so I picked it up and threw it onto the table.

My thought process was interrupted by my phone ringing and I picked it up without even bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered, trying not to sound as irritated as I felt.

"Guard dog, it's nice of you to finally pick up your phone."

"Goodbye J-"

"I wouldn't if I were you. I have a clear view of your home right now Harry... That little boy keeps running around in that ridiculous batman costume... you're standing in the kitchen... and my brother is in that little room with the crib..."

"How does this stop me from hanging up?" My heart was starting to race and I looked out the kitchen window only to see an empty street.

"I'm not in the street Harry."

"This isn't funny Jimmy." I whispered, not liking the fact I didn't know where he was.

"I'm finding it quite funny actually... Are you enjoying the fact that you can't see me? Why don't you move over a little?" I didn't move over, already knowing that he wasn't going to be there.

"What do you want Jimmy?" I asked, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs towards the twins room.

"I think you know what I want." He chuckled on the other end, the sound sending chills down my spine. I walked into the twins room where Niall was sitting in the rocking chair with one of the twins while A.J. sat on the floor with the other. Niall looked up at me, a smile on his face that faded when he noticed the look on my face.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, but I didn't tell him. I simply shook my head, not wanting him to worry just yet.

For all I know Jimmy was just playing with me.

"And you realize you can't have that right?" I asked, standing by the window in the twins room and peeking through the blinds.

"And you realize I'm not outside your house right? Seriously guard dog... you're the worst guard dog." And Jimmy let off one of the most annoying laughs in the world. It set me on edge and I looked at Niall who was still looking at me. I hung up in that moment, having enough of his stupid little game.

"Daddy? Where's my Ellie?" A.J. suddenly asked, looking away from the baby on the floor and up at me.

"In the kitchen..." I said, remembering that I had placed the stuffed Elephant on the table after he had run off.

"I go grab my Ellie." A.J. said, running off before I even had a chance to tell him to wait. I made sure to follow him though, leaving Niall and the twins alone for just a second.

"A.J.?" I called for him, but he didn't give an answer.

My heart started to race.

My palms sweating.

"Alexander Jace? Where are you?" I tried again, biting my lip as I looked for him. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was taking when I rounded the corner to the kitchen.

A.J. was on his hands and knees in the kitchen, looking underneath the table for his elephant.

"Daddy. I no find my Ellie." He said, sitting up with a pout.

"Your Ellie was on the table Alexander... I put it there." I said, my eyebrows furrowing as I noticed that the elephant was in fact not on the table.

"Where's my Ellie?" A.J. asked again, tears starting to form.

It was then my phone vibrated again.

This time a text message.

From: Unknown Received: 6:09 PM

Looking for something?


It was A.J.'s elephant...

Jimmy had been in the house.


Jimmys here to f uck shit up.

Oh dear.


I don't think I ever thanked you guys for 15k total votes on this story :)

Nor did I ever thank you for 23k on Shiver.

You guys are literally the best :)

QOTD: Who is your OTP?

AOTD: Mine is a tie between Narry and Lirry. I love both of them so much hahaha.

Also if anyone starts arguing in the comments about OTPs I will sass your ass then delete your comment. Everyone is entitled to their ship, but that doesn't mean you can diss on other ships :)





Connie xx

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