Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I wish I was innocent in a bad way

But I've found

You don't come after soldiers

Unless they were yours in the first place

"Did you have a good birthday squirt?" I whispered as I carried A.J. up to his bed.

"Yes Daddy..." A.J. whispered back, his voice laced in sleep as he tried to stay awake.

"Good. I'm glad you did."

"Olly come over again?" I nodded as I grabbed A.J. his pajamas. It was a slight struggle to get them on, the poor kid falling asleep as he tried to put his arms through the sleeves. Eventually we did get them on, and A.J. rested his head on my shoulder before whining a little.

"I'm sure that can be arranged." I whispered.

"And Brenna?" A.J. asked as I put him in his bed.

"I'll have to talk to her dad."

"Rayden too?" A.J. yawned, his voice slurring a little as his eyes remained closed. I pulled his blanket up to his chin as I nodded.

"Course baby... Now go to sleep." I kissed the top of his head before standing up. A.J. didn't say another word, so I assumed he went to bed. I turned off the light as I walked out, taking one last look at the little boy before walking back to the kitchen. Niall stood at the sink, washing off the remainder of the dishes. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Is he asleep?" Niall asked, still washing the dishes.

"Out like a light... Probably won't be up till morning." I answered and Niall nodded in approval.

"If only that were the case... He'll be crawling into bed with us by midnight if were lucky... We really should be making him sleep in his own bed." Niall said after a few minutes, the dishes now finished and sitting on the drying rack.

"We still got a while till it's a problem babe..."

"He's three Harry." Niall stated, which in turn made me grimace.

I didn't like the fact he was three.

He needed to stay my little bean.

He's not allowed to grow up.

"Exactly. We've got time."

"What about when the new baby gets here, are you still going to let him sleep in our bed?"

"We can handle that when we get to it..." I shrugged, earning a groan from Niall before he turned to look at me.

"You're impossible."

"At le-" I started, but Niall out his hand over my mouth.

"Don't you dare." Niall glared at me as I chuckled. I kissed him quickly before letting go of him.

"I love you." I whispered, smiling at him in admiration.

"Yeah, you're lucky I love you too..."

"You're right, I am lucky. I'm lucky that someone as amazing as you could ever want to love someone as mediocre as me."


"Rhymes with tap."

"You're an idiot." Niall rolled his eyes at me as he shook his head.

"But I-" I went to retort but the phone rang. Niall picked it up on the second ring, tapping my nose as he said hello. The smile that was on his face slowly started to fade, turning into a hard line.

"Hi mum." He grumbled, and I sighed. It had been a while since we had last seen her... the last time ended in Niall kicking her out because she started to degrade A.J. and myself.

"What's wrong with dad?" I straightened up at, looking at Niall worriedly as his eyes started to water.

"Yeah... I'll... I'll be there soon. Thanks for calling." Niall whispered, hanging up the phone before he leaned against the wall. He rested his head there, and neither of us said anything.

"What's wrong?" I asked after a minute or two.

"My dad... He uh... He passed away." Niall whispered, his expression remained passive... he didn't cry.

"I'm sorry..."

"I... I'm supposed to be sad. I'm supposed to be crying, but I can't. I... I don't feel anything." Niall shook his head, looking at me before looking away again. He just stood there as I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him as he remained emotionless.

"Maybe it hasn't really sank in yet..." I whispered after a few more minutes of just silence. Niall nodded, wrapping his arms around me too as we stood in the kitchen light. Niall's shoulders eventually started to shake, a few soft sobs escaping his lips as he slowly broke down in my arms.

It had been almost a year since the last time Niall had cried like this, and honestly I couldn't even remember why.

"It's doing to be okay." I whispered, kissing the top of his head as I started to sway from side to side. Niall didn't cry for very long, and when he did he pulled away with a teary smile. We didn't say anything, his fingers linking with mine as he gave me a kiss on my cheek. We eventually went upstairs, got ourselves ready for bed without saying a single word. As soon as we were in bed, Niall curled up into my side.

"I love you Harry..." He whispered.

"I love you too Niall. Everything will be alright. I promise." I whispered back. We fell asleep like that, neither of us waking up till the morning sun came through the windows. Some time during the night A.J. must've crawled in to the bed with us, his little body wrapped up in Niall's arms when we woke up the next morning.

I couldn't tell you how long I stared at the both of them, but I took in every second like it was my last. You never realize what you have until it's gone, and I was determined to never let them go.

No matter what.



Sorry for not updating for like two days.

I worked Saturday morning and I had a eight page paper due Saturday (I started it Saturday night cause #procrastinationisaseriousproblem)

And then I was gonna stay up late and do this chapter but sleep called my name and yeah.

Excuses right?


Anyways, I wanted to thank you guys for your comments about the Nalex thing.

It's kinda died down.


SO IM HELLA CLOSE TO 4k (220 something followers left I think?? I don't know (I looked at it and it's actually like 160... I'm not good at math okay...))AND IM THINKING ABOUT DOING A TWITCAM TO CELEBRATE.


Yay or nay?




Connie xx

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