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Hey guys!

I hope you're all coping with the current lockdown situation because I'm struggling with boredom. I think I've pretty much watched everything on Netflix and ate my weight in food twice by now but....since I have so much time on my hands I'm thinking of writing a new fan fiction on either Zach or Daniel.

So, what would you guys want? I have an idea for both...ish (more Zach than Daniel) but I wanna know what you guys want to see so comment and tell me who you'd rather read.

Thank you again for all the support on the Jack Avery 'Exception' series, I love reading all your comments, they all mean a lot so thank you! I think I might even read both fics myself because it feels like I wrote them so long ago. But thank you again, love you guys!!! Kisses,

- Pinky <3

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