CHAPTER 34 [our safe place]

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It's been a week. A week since the whole truth came out and nothing. I've spoken to both Tate and Kay in hopes of them reaching out to Gabbie for me but she's turned them both down. I've learnt to give her space and chosen to leave her alone until she finds its the right time to come to me herself. I don't want sympathy on my behalf because everything that's happened has been the result of my own actions that I made through my own free will. I was not forced into doing anything and I was not forced to love Jack although I haven't been able to utter those words to him since we sorted things out. However, this week has been interesting to say the least.

As you have probably gathered by now, Tate and Jonah are official - no surprises there. Not only are they both happy with each other but they are both happy for me and Jack which obviously didn't shock me with Jonah but Tate, she seems to be completely okay with it. I think she has gotten over being mad at me which helps a lot with the whole self-loathing thing I've had going on. I'm trying to stop hating myself over everything that's happened, no one loves a sad and soppy Grace, I certainly know that Jack doesn't. Daniel has given me multiple lectures on accepting everything and moving on, it has definitely helped Jack and I's relationship evolve.

Another thing I should mention, Kay. She is hanging out with us more, not as much as Tate but she seems to be keeping her distance with Zach which only means she still likes him and she's petrified of what Molly will do if she tries anything. Don't even get me started on Molly and Zach right now. They're both still refusing to say they care about the other in any way shape or form but they seem to have come to an agreement with one another. They argue still, all the time, but I believe they have chosen to use that hatred they have in their new 'friends with benefits' relationship and neither of them seem to be complaining. Us on the other hand....not so much.

"Hey I wanna show you something" I faintly hear Jack whisper as I open my eyes. "What time is it" I ask him, "its 3 in the afternoon, you fell asleep watching the Incredibles earlier so I just let you sleep" he says smiling down at me, "of course I did" I roll my eyes. "So, are you coming or not?" he asks, "coming where" I ask him confused. "Well, its a place, so wake yourself up because you're going to love it" he winks at me before placing a kiss on my forehead and running out of his bedroom. I stretch myself awake and slowly pull myself off Jacks when a quick coldness brushes over me, "fuck" I mutter before taking it upon myself to grab a hoodie of Jacks from out of his wardrobe, completely disregarding that I had 2 of my own hoodies on there.

I make my way down stairs after fixing my hair to see Jack excitedly waiting by the door with his car keys, "why do you look like a happy 5 year old?" I ask him confused, "I'm just excited okay" he rolls his eyes and grabbing my hand. "Be back in a few hours boys" Jacks shouts before pulling me outside and quickly in his car. "Okay now I'm excited what is it" I ask him, "a surprise, duh" he says as he pulls off the drive, "did you just 'duh' me?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow, "you sure bet I did Gracie" he says causing me to laugh, "god you are so weird" I laugh at him, "yeah but you love it" he shrugs.

We end up driving for all of 10 minutes, we could have easily walked but for some reason Jack insisted on driving. "Okay what is it" I ask him when we finally get out the car, "follow me, my lady" he holds his hand out to me which I willingly take. He leads me down a path and through some trees only to take me and small but cute skatepark, just like the one back home. "Oh my god, when did you find this" I ask him as a million memories of me and Jack skating together come back into focus. "a small skate park was the first thing I looked for when I moved to LA, I found it ages ago" he says, "then why am I only hearing of this now" I ask him confused as to why he's waited so long to show me, "I used to skate here alone just after we moved, I missed you a lot and it just reminded me of you but then when me and Gabbie got together I never came back" he says looking out but then he looks back at me, "that was until you came back into my life" he smiles, holding my hand, I smile down at the ground.

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