CHAPTER 19 [not an us]

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"I'm only going for a week like last time" Molly laughs as she packs her bags, "I cant believe your dad bought you a ticket for the next day" I say, "I know, I was as shocked as you" she shrugs as she throws several tops into her suitcase, "make sure to text and call, I will need you to keep me sane" I laugh, "I think you have that covered" she winks at me, "not talking about it" I hold my hands up, "fine lets not talk about how you fucked Jack twice and both times you went there in order to shout at him" she says as if it was nothing, "again, I didnt mean for it to happen" I say, "and yet it did" she sarcastically smiles.

"Do you ever think about you and Zach?" I ask her and she freezes, "what do you mean" she asks, "like what you were and what you couldve been if you didnt break up" I say, "oh no, no, no, you are not seriously thinking about you and Jack getting back together" she stops packing, "no, just thinking of what could've happened, plus he has a girlfriend" I shrug, "yeah, I think that worry went out the window when you fucked him twice" she shout-whispers, "I'm not thinking about it, I swear" I promise her, "yeah sure" she says sarcastically, "you know Danie likes you right" she says and I let out a laugh.

"No, he doesnt" I say, 2erm, yes he does, he looked like he was going to jump off a bridge when he heard you moaning Jacks name" she says and my eyes go wide, "dont remind me and really" I ask confused, "yes, maybe talk to him" she suggestd and I shake my head, "already done that, he's just disappointed that I'm falling back into hold habits" I shrug, "well at least youve admittd that problem to yourself" she says, "you cant talk, you fucked Zach as well" I state and she stops packing again to look at me. "At least I try to stay away from him, you'd happily go and chill at Jacks right now" Molly says.

"What's wrong with wanting to go and see Jonah and the guys" I shrug innocently, "yeah right, Jonah, he has a girlfriend Grace, dont forget that" she warns me and that fact seems to be slipping my mind a lot lately. "Well I think I'm done packing" Molly says before I can say anything else, "I'm going to drive you, you didn't let me last time" I say to her, "fine, get me food first though" she says and I smile, "we'll stop off at whatever food place you want" I say, "you promise" she gies me a serious look and I nod, Molly doesnt mess abut when it comes to food.

Soon enough I had dropped Molly off at the air port and I was on my way to the boys' house to see Jonah, thats right, Jonah as in NOT Jack. I decide to come bearing gifts since I'm in a good mood. I struggle to knock on the door with the huge box of donuts in my hands. The door opens a few seconds later, "you brought donuts" Corbyn almost squeals, "yes, I felt like being nice" I smile, "you know you're the best right" he says and I nod, "obviously" I smile before walking insdie and placing the box of donuts on the table in the kitchen. "I come bearing gifts boys" I shout and quickly everyone comes pilling into the kitcehn to take the donuts.

"Where Jonah" I ask Zach as he muches down on a donut, "I think he went ut with Tate, wheres Molly" he asks and I rasie an eyebrow in confusion, "she didnt tell you" I ask him and he shakes his head, "she doesnt tell me anything" he says but this time more worried, "she went home for the week to see her dad" I say to him and he raises his eyebrows in shock, "the deadbeat actually gives a fuck about her now" he asks, "yeah, seems that way anyway" I shrug, "is she okay" he asks concerned and my heart warms at the fact that he cares, "I think she's okay" I say, "I'm calling her" he pulls out his phone, "well she wont answer, she lands at 4" I say to him, "then I shall ring her at four" he smiles before giving me a 'thanks' and leaving the kitchen.

"Come back for me" Jack wraps his arms around my waist from behind before I quickly pull his hands away, "I actually came for Jonah but he's out with Tate and I didnt know" I say and Jack almost looks disppointed, "did you talk to Gabbie" I ask him and he groans, "take that as a no" I say, "I dont know what to say to her" he says, "just tell her something like you dont want her to move in because you feel like you're rushing things" I shrug, "oh yeah, not that I've been fucking my ex and want to continue fucking my ex" he rasies an eyebrow and I roll my eyes, "she's still one of my friends, dont break her heart" I warn him, "or what we're gonna have anger sex?" he questions, "because anger sex is the best sex" he wiggles his eyebrows and I cant help but laugh.

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