CHAPTER 17 [yes you]

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"I need new clothes, so we're going into as many shops as possible" I laugh as we walk through the mall, "I couldnt agree more" Molly laughs. I've been meaning to get some new clothes since forever and with how I've been feeling lately I've decided to spoilt myself so me, Molly, Jonah and Daniel are in the mall right now on the hunt for new clothes. Corbyn decided to stay home since he has a very lonf facetime call with Christina planned for today, Jack and Gabbie are doing god knows what, Kay is with Zach and I think Tate is working but I'm not entirely sure. At least without the girls here we dont have to try and keep up a fake persona.

"Okay, pick up as many clothes as possibe, you're modelling for us" Jonah smiles, "thats the only time you've been interested in helping us get clothes" I say with a suspicion, "you need a break from reality" he says cupping each sides of my face which makes me laugh, "fine, you can help us pick out clothes" I say to him and he smiles in return. Molly has hauled Daniel away to help her with clothes and I've stolen Jonah for myself. It's nice to be able to get away from reality and just enjoy my day, stress free. "You need jeans" Jonah says as he drags me over to the jeans section, "how do you know I need jeans" I ask him, "you only ever wear one pair" he laughs and I roll my eyes, "fine" I laugh.

Almost an hour later from looking in urban outfitters we finally gather the clothes we think we need. "I need to try them on" Molly says as she throws another top on top of the pile Daniels been forced to hold, "I am not a slave" Daniels groans as the top hits the top of the pile, "you guys wanted to come and help us" Molly shrugs, "never doing this again" Daniel rolls his eyes as we walk over to the changing rooms. "How long is this going to take" Jonah asks, "could be another hour or so" I say, "what just for trying stuff on or the rest of the shopping trip" Daniels asks worried, "just for trying stuff on" Molly shurgs and both of Daniels and Jonahs mouths drop open which makes me and Molly break into fits of laughter.

"Can we please get food, I'm hungry" Jonah moans after we leave the changing rooms with the clothes weve decided to buy, "we've got to go to three more stores" Molly says as we queue upp, "nope, food first" Daniel shakes his head, "fine, food first" I agree, "where we going" I ask, "Taco Bell" Jonah smiles and Molly groans, "fine, but you have to carry my bags on the way there" she says and Jonah quickly shakes his head, "Daniel was your slave, I'm Grace's" Jonah protests and Molly turns to Daniel with a smirk, "no I am not carying your bag" Daniel says, "fine no food" Molly shrugs and I laugh knowing Daniel will have to agree, "I will carry your bags to Taco Bell, but not after" Daniel says, "deal" Molly smiles and Daniel throws her a fake smile.

"What happened, you guys were so excited to come shopping with us" I laugh at both Jonah and Daniel holding our bags, "I didnt think it'd take two hours in one store" Jonah groans, "dont get snappy grandpa" Molly ppats his back as we arrive outside Taco Bell, "okay I need to pee, I'll see you guys in a minute" Molly says before disappearing to the toilets. Jonahs phone rings as we wait in line and he hands me my bag so he can answer, "yeah" I hear him say, "we're in Taco Bell" he says shortly after, I turn to Daniel in confusion to who he is speaking to since I'm pretty sure Tate is still working and he just shrugs in response. "Just, no arguing okay?" Jonah says to the person on the other end, "what, you're 2 minutes away" Jonahs eyes go wide, "so you were goijg to show up even if I said no" Jonah questions, "bro" Jonah laughs, "see you in a minute" he says before ending the call.

I turn to Jonah when he puts his phone back in his pockets with risd eyebrows, "Molly isn't going to be happy" Jonah says, "Zach?" I ask and he only nods, "great, Molly is going to kick off" I say, "maybe she wont" Daniel says and i turn to face with with my arms crossed, "okay she's going to flip" Daniel laughs, "you think" me and Jonah say at the same time, "why am I going to flip" Molly appaears at the side of us, "because I've decided too join you on this little shopping trip" Zach aso appears near us and Molly eyes instantly roll to the back of her head, "for fuck sake" she groans which causes Zach to grow a smug smirk on his face at her reaction.

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