CHAPTER 11 [whats his problem]

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"Hey I'm sorry about last night, blame it on me being drunk" Daniel laughs as I'm eating my cereal in their kitchen, "forgiven" I smile, 2although, it was a good fucking kiss" Daniel mumbles which makes me laugh, "yes it fucking was" I say taking another bite of my cereal, "offer still stands" he winks before leaving the kithen with a bottle of water in his hand. I roll my eyes when he leaves knowing he's only joking.

A few seconds later Jonah comes striding in, "sleep well" he asks, "Molly snored all night" I laugh, "thats sucks" he says sitting next to me. "So you and Tate" I wiggle my eyebrows, "we kissed thats it" he shrugs and I hit his shouder, "ouch what" he rubs his shoulder, "ask her out on another date" I say standing up and walking towards the fridge, "seriously" he says and I nod. "You think she'll say yes?" he asks, "she'll jump at the oppourtunity to go out with you" I laugh and his smile grows bigger. "Hey guys" Tate joins us and send a wink in Jonah direction, "morning Tate" I smile before leaving them alone in the kitchen.

I decide to join Daniel on the couch but since he's facing the opposite direction I decide to have some fun. I sneak up behind him and pinch the back of his neck which makes his entire body cringe, "fuck sake" he says jumping up which sends me in fit og laughter, "you're in for it Grace" he says running after me as I run away in fear. As I run around the room Gabbie comes downstairs and i fly past her, "woah whats happening" Gabbie asks, "Daniels going to kill me" I laugh as I hide behind her and use her a shield, "you cant hide behind Gabbie thats not fair" Daniel says stopping in front of us.

I catch my breath quickly before trying to make a b-line for the couches but of course I fail as Daniel lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder, "I win" he laughs as he walks us over to sit down, "you sure" I raise an eyebrow when I come up with an idea. I tickle under his arm which causes him to drop me on the couch however he falls on top of me in giggles. "I like this playful side you Dani" I smile has he looks down from on top of me, "me too" he smirks. We get broken up by a voice that doesnt seem paticularly happy to see the state of me and Daniel, "real nice Grace" Jack scoffs as he walks past us to the kitchen. Me and Daniel laugh when hes out of sight before he pushes off me to sit up properly.

"Whats his fucking problem" I ask, "he's been tense ever since you came back" Daniel shrugs, "I must just have that effect on guys" I laugh it off. "Grace" Daniel places his hand on my leg, "if you're going to give me a lecture on Jack then fuck off" I groan, "fine I'll shut up" Daniel laughs. I really dont need another speech about how 'Jacks changed so much since I came back', I cant deal with that in the morning. Soon enough everyones awake and are lounged across the couches but Molly so I turn to Daniel, "come with me to wake Molly up" I smirk, "already ahead of you" he laughs before pulling me off the couch and dragging me upstairs.

When me and the girls finally come home we find ourselves in my apartment to no surprise. Molly falls asleep on my couch and the rest of us ar ein my bedroom talking about last night, "so what went down with you and Jonah last night" Kay asks Tate and Tate smiles a little and if my eyes dont decieve me I think shes blushing at the question. "We fucking kissed" she finally lets out and the girls start cheering at her confession, "how long for" Gabbie asks, "not that long but it was nice, he also asked me out on an actual date this morning in the kitchen" she says and yes, shes definately blushing now.

I mentally pat myself on the back for giving Jonah a little push to ask her out. "When is it" I ask her, "friday" she smiles, "ooo, we've gotta make you look hot, he's gonna love it" Kay smirks which causes everyone to laugh. "What's a girl gotta do to get a fucking nap around here" Molly groans in my door way, "your apartment is next door if you dont wish to join us" I joke, and she sticks her finger up at me before joining us all on my bed. "What are we talking about" she asks mid yawn, "last night" Tate says and Molly nods.

My Exception// Jack Avery [2]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora