CHAPTER 12 [what just happened]

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I push the door open and walk straight in without even bothering to knock, "woah, whats up Grace" Jonah asks me, "where the fuck is he" I say and I'm pissed off more than ever right now. I probably should explain everythings thats happened in the past few days. Gabbie and Jack are having problems due to my surprise 'come back from the dead' so Gabbie deicided to give him space for a few days. To cut a long story short, Jack isnt asnwering any of her texts or calls and he's refusing to speak to her. He wont even let her into the house and if she shows up he leaves without saying a word. Gabbie has been at my apartment for the past 2 days crying because he's being such a dickhead. Of course, I feel guilty so I took it into my own hands to sort him out.

"His room, second door on the right" Corbyn says looking scared, "thanks" I smile trying to stay calm before I burst into his room and scream at him to stop being a shitbag to Gabbie. I walk up the stairs and when I find myself outside his room it doesn't even take me a second to start banging on the door until he asnwers. "Fuck sake I'm coming" I hear him shout, so I choose to stop. He opens the door and his face turns to fear when he sees me, I push him hard on the chest sending him a few steps back before I walk in and close the door behind me. "Look I know you've been having a tantrum for the past few weeks because of me but you do not treat Gabbie like shit" I say to him and he rools his eyes, "this isnt about you" he scoffs, "then why are you being so horrible to Gabbie" I ask getting angrier at his cocky tone.

He rubs the back of his neck before finally looking at me again, "none of your fucking business Grace" he says sitting on his bed, "you made it my business when Gabbie showed up at my apartment crying because you wont talk to her" I spit out, "you told me we couldnt talk so why are you here" he asks trying to avoid the question, "because unlike you I'm a decent person and Gabbie is one of my bestfriends so sort yourself out unless you want to end up without a girlfriend" I spit out and he stands up quickly with his jaw clenched, "I just want some fucking space from everything, is that too much to ask" he shouts, "she's your girlfriend Jack" I shout at him.

"So, I just want my fucking space, I deserve that" he shouts, "not like this" I spit out, "like what, what have I done that's so bad" he asks like it wasn't obvious, "you haven't gave her an explanation for it, you snap at her for no reason and then you're perfectly fine with her the next and now, you won't even talk to her" I clarify, "how am I suppose to know what to say" he says holding up his hands, "the truth?" I simply say, "yeah, by the way Gabbie, Grace, you know one of your best friend, yeah she's my ex and since she's came back she's all I can fucking think about" he gets out, "yeah, I'm sure she'll love to hear that one" he sarcastically says, "oh grow up, you even said yourself I don't mean shit to you anymore" I say, remembering our first conversation since we saw each other again.

He rolls his eyes, "well I fucking lied" he admits and my stomach tenses, "I don't care Jack, she's your girlfriend, not me" I point out, "so what, its not my fault that the thought of you wont leave my fucking head" he taps the side of his head in frustration, "that's not my fucking problem" I shout, "if you wouldn't have come back none of this would've happened" he mutters, "how was I suppose to know Gabbie was your girlfriend" I shout, "you didn't need to lie to her about it" he shouts back, "yeah, if I would've told her the truth how different would it have been" I ask knowing it wouldn't have helped the situation. Jack rolls his eyes but stays quiet knowing he cant back that up, "you have an amazing girl crying over you right now and you're doing fuck all to fix it" I shout at him.

He walks closer to me and I can practically feel his breath on my face. "I dont care anymore" he whispers before walking off into his bathroom. I let out a deep breath before following him, "so what, you're just going to let her cry and think to herself 'what did I do wrong' when its really you being too childish to sort anything out" I say to him as he splashes his face with cold water, "I cant sort anything out if you're still here" he turns to me, "oh so I am the only reason then" I raise an eyebrow and he grabs the towel off the wall that I'm leaning against. "If you were really her friend you'd tell her everything" he says after wiping his face dry. He walks past me again into his room and I can feel fire burning in my stomach by the second.

"It has no relevance to her fucking life, she's better off not knowing trust me" I laugh out, "some friend you are, keeping secrets" he spits out, "you're her fucking boyfriend and you wont even reply to her texts" I shout at him, "because I don't want to fucking talk to her" he shouts back, "I don't want to talk to anyone" he continues shouting. Normally, Jack shouting would scare me but I'm too pissed off to let it affect me, I can only beat him. "You haven't changed one fucking bit, you're still the fuck boy you were when I met you" I spit out at him and he rushes over to me and pins me up against the wall outside his bathroom, "if I was such a fuck boy back then, then why did you fall for me" he raises an eyebrow as he presses his body onto mine.

"I'm not doing this Jack" I roll my eyes, still pressed against the wall. "Doing what" he breathes out, "talking about me and you when its over" I say looking into his eyes. "It's never going to be just over with me and you, you're smart enough to know that" he says close to my lips, "yes it fucking is, I hate you" I choke out. "No, no you fucking don't" he says before smashing his lips into mine angrily and I instantly push him back and wipe my mouth. He falls onto the bed with a smug look on his face, he cocks his head and smirks. Shit, here we fucking go. "Fuck you" I groan out before jumping on top of him and joining our lips back together. He kisses be aggressively and squeezes my thighs tightly as I grip a handful of his hand.

He flips us over on his bed so he's on top of me and breaks the kiss to pull his shirt off his body. Everything that happened before this becomes blurry. In this moment, the kiss made me forget about everything that's happening and I'm blinded. All I want is to kiss him again. He joins our lips together and I moan into his mouth which he uses as an opportunity to slide his tongue in to deepen the kiss. His hand lowers to fiddle with the buttons on my shorts with his other hand firmly behind my neck stopping me from pulling away. He undoes my buttons with one hand with ease and starts to kiss down my neck. "Fuck" I moan at the feeling since I've been craving it ever since I first saw him again.

"Be quiet baby girl" he moans into my neck making me bite my lips in order to obey him. He removes his lips from my neck to hover over me, "the boys can't know were doing this right now" he smirks before sliding his hands down my pants and shoving two fingers into me which makes me groan at the feeling. He quickly uses his other hand to cover my mouth to stop any more moans from escaping it as his fingers quicken in pace. He moves quickly off the bed to pull down my shorts and my underwear with it so I'm bottom half naked. I prop myself up onto my elbows to look at him staring at me as he licks his lips. "Daddy's missed this" he smirks before sticking his tongue into me causing me to bite down on my lip hard.

Jack's tongue gets quicker as it licks me up, one of my hands in his hair and the other gripping his bed sheets as he carries on. Both of Jacks hands grip my thighs tightly to stop me from shaking at the pleasure with my feet on his shoulders for easier access. He pulls away from me and wipes his mouth before kissing me one last time and then stands up. He twirls his finger which signals me to flip over onto my stomach and I do so as soon as he asks. I hear him pull his sweatpants down, most likely along with his boxer shorts before gripping my ass, "you ready" he asks close to me ear when I feel the tip of his dick brush over my entrance, I whimper at it, I nod my head quickly and he licks up my neck planting a kiss just under my jaw.

"Use your words" he breaths out as he nibbles on my ear, "fuck yes" I choke out and I feel him smirk against my skin before pulling away from me. I feel his tip rub against my entrance before slamming straight into me causing me to let out a loud moan, he quickly moves his hand to cover my mouth, "you gotta stay quiet baby girl otherwise we cant do this" he says slowly pulling out just to slam back into me again. I whimper at the feeling but nod at his request, "just go faster" I find myself breathing out before he slams into me over and over against, getting quicker at every thrust.

After a few thrusts, they start getting lazier and I can tell he's close, "fuck where am I going to cum" I hear him moan, "pill" I was able to get out and he soon enough quickens his pace, "shit" I hear him mutter and I let out a quiet moan as my stomach starts to tie knots. Before I know it he's pulling out of me and pulling up his sweat pants. I roll over back onto my back to look up at him and he's smirking down at me. He throws my shorts and pants at me which I quickly catch and get changed into. I sit up on the bed and he puts his shirt back. Then it hits me. "What did we just do" my stomach drops and panic sets it. Fuck, what just happened.

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