CHAPTER 23 [another day]

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It been a few days since the last time I spoke to Jack and he hasnt tried to contact me since and vise versa. My phone has been turned off completelty since that day, the girls have tried to come round but I've just ignored them as if I wasnt home and they left soon enough. I'd like to say that I'm getting better but it doesnt feel like it. My body and heart still feel as broken as it did when Jack said those words to me. My eyes are permenantly stained with tears and I've been living on nothing but junk food. My mental and physical health has never been as bad, I'm almost certain its beaten how I felt when I first moved to LA.

Molly comes home tomorrow. I sent her a message before I shut myself off from everything explaining what happened. I'm sure she has a million questions but I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I thought this feeling would go away within the first day since I've lived 3 years of my life without Jack and I was fine but that wasn't the case and now I don't know what to do. Sometimes I think I made a mistake but then I'm reminded why I did it and I know it was the right thing to do. Molly leaves for a week and all hell breaks loose. I'm sure she's going to tell me that what I did was the worst thing I could've done but she doesn't see it how I see it, no one does.

I've only let Jonah come round now and then since I cant shut myself away from humanity forever. We have a strict 'no Jack policy'. He's not allowed to mention him or tell me anything about what's happening in his life, or anything in general that involved him. I cant be thinking and worrying about him more than I already am, its killing me inside. Maybe I do regret it all, but its too late now.

"Grace" Jonah shakes me a little and I break out of thought, "yeah sorry" I smile a little, "its fine" he laughs a little, "when's Molly coming back" he asks, "tomorrow, I'm sure she's going to be pissed as hell at me" I groan out, "you never know" he shrugs, "have you spoke to her" I ask him and he nods but was hesitant at first to do so, "only a little, she's just worried about you" he says, "nothing to be worried about" I say and I can tell by the way Jonah is looking at me that he didn't believe a word I said. "Stop looking at me like I'm broken glass, I'm fine" I lie again and he holds his hands up in defence, "wasn't looking at you like anything" he quickly says to save himself.

I roll my eyes, "yes you were" I mumble, "hey, I'm sorry okay" he says softly and I feel a small smile creep onto my face. His phone buzzes for what feels like the 100th time since he got here, "Tate again?" I ask him and he nods awkwardly when he reads it, "I figured she's going to dump me sooner or later" he lets out and laugh, "what why" I ask him, "she hates that I spend so much time with you and I cant exactly tell her why" he shrugs it off, "nope, I'm not ruining your relationship as well, text her" I usher him, "no point, she wont believe a word I say and I'm not leaving you here alone" he says and I roll my yes at him, "fucking text her grandpa" I say and this time I was telling, not asking.

He quickly unlocks his phone and texts back, and his eyes go wide when his phone beeps again, "she thinks we're fucking" he chokes out and I cant help but laugh, "fuck sake, I change my mind, ignore her" I laugh, "gladly" he says before completely turning his phone off. "You wanna watch something" he asks, "just as long as it isn't something scary" I say and he frowns, "but those are the best ones" he pouts, "no, I would like to sleep tonight" I laugh and he obeys by clicking a random chick flick that he knows I'd prefer.

"I cant believe you haven't been on your phone in nearly a week" he laughs, "I know, my entire life is on there, but its almost refreshing" I say which makes him laugh more, "I couldn't do that, I'm struggling not to turn my phone back on right now and its only been like an hour, the only thing stopping me is knowing I'll get 1000 text messages of abuse from Tate" he groans which makes me laugh. "I cant believe she seriously thinks somethings going on between me and you" I say as I shove a handful of popcorn in my mouth that Jonah decided to make earlier, "its because she doesn't know our history" he shrugs.

My Exception// Jack Avery [2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz