CHAPTER 10 [sleep here]

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"Okay spin the bottle" Tate shouts along with a drink in her hand. We're all over at the boys house right now and since last nights conversation with Jack it was the last thing I wanted to do tonight. However, I didn't have a good enough excuse to be let out of coming with the girls so I cant complain. We've been here for a few hours just drinking and having fun. For some reason we always end up playing some stupid party games when at the boys' house whether is truth or dare, spin the bottle or even suck and blow. Tonight's pick is spin the bottle, I wouldn't say we were all drunk, more like tipsy. I have only had a few beers, if any of us were drunk my moneys on Tate, she's louder than usual.

"Why do we always end up playing shitty high school games when we're here" Molly groans at the side of me, "because its fun, don't ruin the party" Corbyn laughs, "wasn't aware this was a party" Daniel says as he takes another sip of his beer. "More like a drink up" Zach's says holding his glass up and nearly spilling it all over Kay who is sat in his lap on the sofa. Near enough as soon as we walked into the house Kay hasn't left his lap unless its for another drink or a bathroom break. It kind of looks like he's got her on a leash. "Well lets fucking drink then" Gabbie laughs as Jack starts to tickle her sides. Those two haven't been separated either.

Although, I don't feel guilty about what happened at the club the other night since I took it upon myself to shut Jack down. I think it was successful since he hasn't even looked at me all night. "Right, I want to play spin the bottle, so can we fucking play already" Tate asks getting impatient. Jonah quickly puts his hand over her mouth before she can complain any more than she already has tonight. First it was because Zach stole her drink (he didn't, she drank it all) and then Jonah poking her was 'annoying' and lastly Kay and Zach being all over each other 'made her want to vomit' which earned a snide laugh form Molly herself. Well now its because we arent playing the game the second she asked us to.

"We're playing now" Jonah laughs as he removes his hand from her mouth. "Okay, I'll put my bottle down I'm finished" I place my bottle in the middle of the floor and everyone else crowds round forming a circle. "Wait, how are we playing this" Kay asks, "you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on, you kiss" Tate says like it was obvious, "what if you have a boyfriend" Gabbie smiles as she lazily drapes her arm around Jacks shoulders. "It's not gonna mean anything Gabs" Molly says and Gabbie shrugs, "fine" she finally says before removing her arm from Jack and then spinning the bottle - I guess Gabbies going first.

The bottle spins quickly around on the spot before landing on Jack, trust her luck. "I'm just a lucky girl" Gabbie says before pulling Jack closer to her face by the back on the neck. I decide to look away whilst they kiss for some reason and within a few seconds its over. "Stop eating each other" Kay says covering her eyes, "me now" Tate says happily before reaching into the circle and spinning the bottle. After a few seconds it lands on Zach ad both of their eyes go wide. "Sorry Kay" she whispers as she leans forward to Zach before planting a long ass kiss on his lips. Everyone cheers them on but both Molly and Kay do not look amused.

They finally pull away into fits on laughter, "got yourself a good kisser there Kay" Tate says as she slightly wipes her lips before sitting back properly into her place. "Same for you bro" Zach says in Jonahs direction, making a smirk grow on his face. "I wanna go" Daniels says excitedly. He spins the bottle perfectly and after a few seconds it starts to slow down but doesn't stop. "You didn't have to spin it so hard Jack laughs. Everyone eyes are glued to the bottle when it finally comes to a stop, pointing straight at me. Me and Daniel both look up and instantly start laughing. "Oh fuck" Molly says inbetween her own giggles.

"Come on Daniel, you gotta kiss me" I laugh. When he leans forward memories of back home start flashing back. He used to like me, like shit he really used to like me. Oh, how things change. I start to remember the arguments me and Jack had over jealously about him since we got so close over the time of me and Jack being together. I mean Daniel was my first ever date. Soon enough our lips are millimetres apart and we freeze for a second, everyone else starts chanting 'kiss, kiss' impatiently until we finally lean in and join lips.

I honestly just think it was because we were tipsy that the kiss lasted longer than it should've. When we leaned in Daniel instantly put his tongue in my mouth and I let him, it lasted longer than both Gabbies and Jacks and Tate and Zachs. It was a good kiss, wouldn't mind doing it again. "Fucking hell, they're gonna start fucking in front of our faces" I hear Molly says which causing us both to pull away laughing. "Shut the fuck up Mols" I laugh. I look over at Daniel who seems to be pleased with himself. He makes sure to send me a wink before he sits down which I cant help but rolls my eyes to. "That was some kiss guys" Corbyn points out, "eh, I give it a 6" I tease and Daniel mouth drops open, "I am not a 6/10 kisser" he says shocked, "up your game then big boy" I laugh as I take another drink. Through the atmosphere of laughter I find my eyes drifting over to Jack. He isn't laughing, he isn't doing anything to be fair. But, if looks could kill, Daniel would be dead.

"Okay I'm going next" Jonah laughs, he spins the bottle and it lands on Corbyn. "I'm not kissing Corbyn" Jonah says, "yeah, I cant say I want to kiss you either" Corbyn cringes, "oh please, just do it, if the bottle landed on Molly I'd kiss her" Tate groans, "is that a promise" Jonah asks her excited, "it is if you kiss Corbyn" Tate smirks. Jonah look over at Corbyn with pleading eyes, "fuck sake" Corbyn mutters, everyone cheers as they lean closer together, "come on bro, just a bro kiss" Jonah says, finding it hard to hold back his laughter. They quickly peck lips and pull away wiping them with the sleeves of their jumpers.

"My go" Zach says as he reaches forward but then pauses, "you know what fuck it, I don't need to spin a bottle to kiss someone" Zach says before pulling Kay into a long heated kiss much to her surprise. My mouth drops open in unison with Mollys. Well, that was a shock for everyone. Check Zach out for making his move. However, when Zach pulls away he makes a point to look straight at Molly with a smirk at her reaction. If anyone else would've seen it you would've thought it was just to make Molly jealous and well fucking done it did because now Molly is grabbing the bottle. Soon enough it ands on Kay and every one of the boys' eyes share a little glimer of excitment.

"Lets put on a show" Kay laughs before leaning in. Their kiss was aggressive and clearly the only point of it was to get the guys excited and Zach jealous. They both pull away from each other as if it was normal. "You've done that before" Jack says with his mouth still open which earns a hit on the arm from Gabbie, "yes we have kissed before, well done for noticing" Molly laughs, "wait you have" Zach looks at Kay, "when we were drunk" she holds her hands up. Zach looks the most shocked out of all the boys, his cheeks are redder then usual and he's still not managed to close his mouth. They really did put on a show.

As the night comes to end we all start getting our stuff, "you aren't seriously going to drive home drunk are you" Corbyn asks, "I'm not drunk" I slur out and he raises an eyebrow, "fine" I mutter, "but I can't be arsed to order an uber" I say, "sleep here" he shrugs and everyone's heads flick around to us, "wait can we actually" Kay says getting excited. "Yeah why not" Jonah says walking out of the kitchen with a piece of pizza in his hand. "When the fuck did we order pizza" Molly points at Jonah, "yeah, just sleep" Daniel laughs at Molly. "You all got your own rooms" Tate asks, "yeah but you can sleep with me" Jonah wraps his arms around her waist and she giggles. "And you with me" Zach turns to Kay and she smiles, "obviosuly Gabbie is sleeping with Jack" Molly points out.

Daniel smirks in my direction, "you can share with me" he says, "might take you up on that offer" I joke, "well we're going bed" Jack quickly says before dragging Gabbie up the stairs. "Well they're wasting no time" Molly laughs. Tate, Jonah, Kay and Zach both leave shortly after to go to their rooms leaving just me, Molly, Corbyn and Daniel. "Shit I've got to facetime Christina" Corbyn says looking down at his phone. "I need a pee" Molly leaves us to go the bathroom and then Corbyn runs upstais, most likely to call Christina before its too late.

"So you and Corbyn share and me and Molly will as well" I ask turning to Daniel and his smile fades, "don't you want to sleep with me" he asks, "why, what will happen" I ask him and a smirk is plastered on his face as he walks closer to me, "nothing is going to happen Daniel" I roll my eyes, "never said it will" he shrugs, "then why are you so close to me" I ask confused, "you're a very good kisser Grace" he says, "I know I am" I say to him. He licks his lips when I catch him starring at mine, "nope, not kissing you again, we're not doing this Dani" I say walking past him to the stairs, "why not" he laughs, "because you're a brother" I say to him and he rolls his eyes. "Fine" he says, "offer still stands" he winks at me, "interesting" I say back before making my way upstairs to his empty room.

Nothing is going to happen with me and Daniel. The kiss was good and that's all it was, a kiss. I blamehim being drunk and I know I'll get an apology in the morning from him.

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