CHAPTER 29 [little bubble]

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Me and Jack have been happy, and we have stayed happy since the second we made up. We're not completely sure as to what we are yet but are we ever? I've been staying at Jack's everyday for the past week, I don't think I can even remember what my apartment looks like at this point. Daniel seems to be coming around to it as well, he's been smiling more and even including both of us into the conversations without hesitating. Sure, he was pissed when he found out, he was hoping we wouldn't get ourselves into this mess again but we've promised to try our hardest because at the end of the day being with each other is what we both want more than anything. Its been almost like the honeymoon period after a marriage and I cant complain because its been a lot of fun...if you get what I mean.

We've kind of been trapped in our own little bubble for the past few days but today seems to be the day that the bubble gets popped and we have to force ourselves back into reality. Christina. Christina is going home today and you would've thought Corbyn would never see her again with the way he's acting. He's been glued to her side all morning, I dont think they've spent longer than 10 seconds apart....if Corbyn would even allowed that. Without a doubt, everyone is going to miss Christina. Having her here has almost made it feel like we were all back in highschool again, in our own bubble...but like I said before, that bubble is about to get popped.

"Corbyn, I am seeing you in two months time, now let me go to the toilet by myself" Christina laughs as she makes her way to the toilet, "but I need to spend every second I have left with you by yourside, I'm not going to be able to be with you for another two months" Corbyn pouts. "We both knew a long distance relationship was going to be hard, but I promise, the 10 seconds it takes for me to go to the toilet is bareable" Christina laughs, "fine" Corbyn says before Christina leaves him there alone with a cheeky smile over the shoulder.

"Dude you need to cool it" Daniel laughs as Corbyn throws himself onto the couch. "I like annoying her, its fun" he smirks playfully to himself, "I'm going to miss her too" I say to him, "well I'm sure you're going to be hogging my facetime slots to tell her everything going on with you and Jack, not like we havent heard all of it every night for the past few nights" Corbyn says but mumbles the last part. I feel my cheeks go red but everyone else can't help but laugh, including Jack. "I'm not stealing your facetime slots" I say with a held laughter. Corbyn raises an eyebrow which sets me off laughing with everyone else. "Okay, okay, fine we get it, enough" I laugh as everyone calms down, "he's not wrong Gracie" Jack smirks as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him to lay down on the couch.

"Well you wont be getting anymore if everyone can hear us" I joke, "if thats a challenge I accept" Jack boasts as he tightens his grip, I roll my eyes playfully before Christina reappears and for a second there I almost forgot everyone else was with us. "You know this is the happiest I've seen you two in a while" Christina smiles as she sits down next to Corbyn, instantly Corbyn throws his arm around her to pull her closer and she smiles into it. "It's the happiest I've felt in a while" Jack says and I roll my eyes, "don't be going soft on me now Avery, I thought we were past that" I joke, "hey we're still in our honeymoon faze, I can be soft" he says back with raised eyebrows. I smile at him, trying to hide the shade of red that form over my cheeks.

"It's still weird, I'm not use to it yet" Zach laughs as he enters the room, "like we're not use to you and Molly actually being nice to one another" I laugh, "it's weird isn't it, I feel like she's planning on killing me or something, like, killing me with kindness" Zach says although he actually sounds worried, "maybe she's just dropped her hatred for you" Daniel suggests, "nope, not Molly" I say, "why is everyone going soft all of a sudden, me and Molly cant have hate sex when she's being nice to me" Zach groans. I throw a pillow over in his direction that hits him perfectly on the head, "I don't want to hear about you having sex with my cousin, thanks" I say trying to hold back my laughter.

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