CHAPTER 2 [girls night]

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After going out every night for nearly a week, me and the girls decided to have a girls night in. Molly is supposed to be back by Saturday so we have two more days until she comes back and I'm sure she'll be dragging us out to parties hence why we've decided to have a girls night - we need a little break. I miss her like crazy. Over the past three years living in LA she's become my sister. She helped me get away from Spencer and my mum and I'm forever grateful for that. Sure, it was hard leaving Elliot behind but I still call him most days since I left home to make sure things are okay, he's 10 now. As for my mum and Spencer, I've not said one word to them since I left and I'd like to keep it that way. I lived with them for all of six months after we moved; those 6 months were the worst of my life. I had never felt so low.

Every day my mum and Spencer would remind me of how much of a disappointment I was to the family. Since moving away you would've thought our relationship would improve due to being away from Jack and all the drama back at home but, it never really got better, only worse. I knew I had to get away, I couldn't handle being there anymore. It was draining and my mental health was the worst its ever been. I was a stranger in my own home so Molly decided to take me in. I wasn't working because my mum wouldn't let me leave the house, she always kept a close eye on me. In the weeks I was with Molly I was focusing on myself and getting a job to be able to lease an apartment of my own. It worked out perfectly when the apartment next door was put up. Molly helped for the first few weeks and eventually I could afford it for myself.

Since Molly lived here with her mum before I moved, she had met plenty of friends. She introduced me to them when I moved and I quickly grew to love them as though they were my sisters. They've helped a lot with helping me to be happy again since moving. They've been extremely supportive and I couldn't ask for better friends. So, that's where I'm at right now with my life - nineteen years old, living in LA with the best friends I could ask for. I wouldn't want it any other way.

"I'm ordering pizza" Gabbie says pulling her phone out of her pocket. "Ooo order two" Tate says, "no, order three I'm starving" Kay says looking through her phone. I laugh, "just order four, one each, I'll give you the money" I say getting up off the couch and walking over to my bag that's hung up, "hell no, you payed for the last four pizzas, and I've practically been living here for the past few days" Gabbie argues, "are you sure" I ask, "yes, now let me buy the pizzas" she laughs clicking at her phone. "Well if your buying the pizzas, I'm ordering dessert, I want ice cream" Kay says getting up, "order cookie dough" I say, "obviously" Kay laughs. I look over at Tate who is trying to be subtle when texting on her phone, "a new guy" I ask as I sit down next to her, she hides her phone screen from me. Definitely a new guy. "No" she says quickly, "you aren't good at keeping secrets" I say to her, "I am" she protests, "no you aren't" Gabbie laughs as she finishes ordering the pizzas. "Rude" Tate says causing us all to laugh.

"How's your boyfriend anyway Gabs" I ask her, "great" she blushes, "how long have you been together" Kay asks sitting back down, "only a few months" she says, "and you moved all the way to LA for him" I ask shocked, "yes I did, I've always wanted to come here so why not" she laughs, "he's got a big family so I'm staying with them" she says, "you've already moved in with him" Tate asks surprised, "oh no, not him, just his family, we're pretty close, he lives with his friends" she laughs, "how do you have sex then" Tate asks confused which earns a pillow to be thrown in her direction by Gabbie, causing us all to laugh. "I'm not getting into my sex life with you guys" Gabbie laughs, "why not, I'm sexting someone right now" Tate says as though it was nothing, "I knew it" I shout, everyone laughs. "Just because I can get a guy" Tate teases, "I believe we all know that after my last relationship, I don't do guys, I guess I'm a lone wolf" I say, "that's sad" Kay says, "you cant talk" Gabbie says. Soon enough were all in fits of laughter.

"My boyfriend has a lot of cute friends I could introduce you to" Gabbie says after the laughter dies down, "wait seriously" Kay says getting excited, "no way, guys are a no from me" I laugh, "are you not over your ex?" Tate asks, I think she's trying to be serious right now, "yeah I'm over him, I just don't feel like I'm ready for a new boy to come into my life" I say and I think I do mean it, "I get that" Gabbie says, "still, it isn't an excuse to not get to know new guys, just as friends" Kay says, "I guess" I hesitantly say, "settled then" Kay smiles, "you're just thirsty for a guy" Tate says, "I don't have a never ending list like you" Kay says, "that's true" Gabbie laughs. "Right can we stop the 'lets bully Tate' portion of the night" Tate laughs, "why we were just getting started" Gabbie pouts, "oh shut up" Tate laughs throwing a pillow at her that hits her face.

After an hour of laughing and gossiping our food arrives, "thank god" Kay screams as she carries the pizzas to us, "I am starving" she says setting them down and grabbing hers. We dive into the pizzas and they completely disappear within 20 mins. "Get you a girl who can look sexy and stuff her face with food like there's no tomorrow" I say as I flop onto the couch, "true that" Gabbie laughs getting up and grabbing a bottle of water from my fridge. "Shall we facetime Molly" Kay asks, "erm, yes" Tate says. We all gather around Kays phone that's rested on top of some pillows on my couch with us all sitting on the floor. After only 3 rings, Molly answers and we all scream when we see each other. We've facetimed Molly a few times since she went away and she's instantly grew a liking to Gabbie so I'm glad they get along otherwise it would probably be awkward because Molly isn't afraid to say what she thinks. "How's the boyfriend" Molly asks Gabbie, "why does everyone keep asking me this" she laughs, "sorry but you're the only person in this group that isn't single" Molly says which makes us all laugh, "fine, he's great" Gabbie laughs.

As soon as Gabbie says that her phone starts to ring. She brings it out of her pocket and looks at the caller ID, "speaking of him, I should probably answer his call" she smiles standing up and answering the phone, "hey what's up" I hear her say as she walks into my bedroom. "She's proper loved up isn't she" Tate laughs, "did you know she lives with his family" Kay says to Molly, "wait really" Molly says, "yeah, she moved to LA for him" I say, "awe, young love" Molly says. "I definitely would not have done that" I say, "yeah because you're completely against love" Kay says, "no I'm not" I laugh, "yeah you are" Molly laughs on the other end of the call, "how are things with your dad" Tate asks, "okay I guess" Molly says, "spill" I say, Molly rolls her eyes, "I don't know, he's actually been paying attention to me" Molly says confused, "that's a good thing" Kay says, "I know, but its weird" Molly shifts.

I decide to change the subject since Molly looks like she's getting uncomfortable. "Did you run into anyone" I ask her, Molly rolls her eyes since she knows exactly who I'm on about, "no, I haven't seen them" she says in response, "not even the others" I ask, "no, I haven't really been out though so I wouldn't have really seen them" she says, "oh your exes" Tate says, "yes" I say quickly, "what did you mean by the others" Kay asks, "oh their friends, we grew quite close to them but when things ended with the guys we lost touch" Molly says, "yeah, so much for all them promises" I let out a weak laugh.

"Yes, I'll talk to them" Gabbie says as she walks out of my bedroom, we all turn to look at her. She rolls her eyes when she sees us starring and turns around to avoid our gaze, "I'm sure they'll want to" she says quieter than before, "no I'll see you tomorrow" she says, I look at the girls and they're all smiling, "I'll ask them" she laughs, I turn to face Molly, "what is she talking about" Molly asks, "she wants us to meet her boyfriend and his friends" I whisper, "no fair, I'm not even there" Molly says, "I'm sure they'll be coming over all the time" I say, Molly winks at me and I turn back around to look over at Gabbie, "yes I promise" she rolls her eyes, "okay, yes, goodbye" she says ending the phone call. "No I love you" asks Tate, "oh shush" Gabbie says as she sits down to join us in front of the sofa.

"What were you on about when you said you'd talk to us" Molly asks, "oh, the guys want to meet you all tomorrow" she says, "ugh I'm not even going to be there" Molly says, "stop being selfish" Kay laughs, "yeah, we'll meet them" I say, "are you sure, you don't have to" Gabbie says, "of course we will" Tate smiles. "What time" I ask, "I don't know, I'll text you guys tomorrow morning" she says, "well have fun tomorrow guys, I have to go" Molly says, "see you soon Mols" I say, "bye" all the girls follow, Molly waves to us before she ends the call. "How many of them are there" Kay asks, "five, so there's at least one for each of you" Gabbie laughs, "ooo yay, I'm excited now" Tate says, "none for you, leave some for me" Kay says, "I'm older then you, boys like older women" Tate says confidently, "you're only older by one year, no fair" I say, "no wonder you and Molly get along so well" Kay laughs, "so true" I join in, "both boy crazy" Gabbie carries on, making us all laugh harder. Tate tries to act annoyed but rolls her eyes in defeat.

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