CHAPTER 7 [im sorry]

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I swear, we've been at the boys' house for the entire day and we've not got bored once. Right now, we're all sitting in one room with our finsihed pizza and a random movie playing in the back ground. "Truth or dare" Tate shouts, "what" Jonah asks, "we should play truth or dare" she smiles, "erm I don't know" I say, "come on, it'll let us get to know each other better" she says, "I'm down" Kay says, "same" Gabbie smiles. I look over at Molly and she just shrugs, "why not then" I say after getting Mollys approval. "Who's first" Tate asks, "you" Jack says, "fine" she says, "truth or dare Tate" Jack asks, "truth" she says, "damn, I thought she was going to pick dare, hasn't lived up to my expectations" Jonah teases, "fine dare, go on" Tate says, "I dare you to remove one item of clothing" Jonah smirks in her direction, "easy" she says as she takes off her sock.

She throws them into the middle of our little 'circle' and smiles, "that back fired on you didn't it Jonah" Zach teases him, "shut up just move on" Jonah laughs. Gabbies next, "truth or dare Gabs" I ask her, "truth" she says innocently, "age you lost your virginity" I ask, "18" she simply says, "really" Molly says, "yeah, why how old were you" Gabbie asks, "I'm afraid if I say you'll send me to church" Molly laughs, "no I wont, just say" Gabbie laughs, "fine, 14" Molly says taking a sip of her coke, "wow" Gabbie says, "is that bad" Molly asks, "no, don't worry" Gabbie smiles, "okay me next" Jack says changing the subject. I look over at him and he seems awkward, was Jack Gabbies first?

"Truth or dare Jack" Zach asks, "dare" Jack smirks, "let Gabbie give you a hickey" Zach quickly says, "happily" he says turning to face Gabbie whose face has gone a little red. "Where" she asks trying to hold back her laughter. Jack pulls his top off and over his head only to lay it at his side making sure to glance over me before turning back to face Gabbie. He points at his collarbone, "here" he says. He could've easily just pulled his top down but no he wanted to see my reaction. Gabbie starts sucking at his collar bone and I refuse to look so I pull out my phone distract me. After a few seconds everyone starts laughing so I know Gabbie has finished. I look up to see a large red mark on Jacks collar bone. "I can't see" Jack laughs, "let me take a photo" Daniel says pulling out his phone, and snapping a photo. Daniel shows Jack, "shit Gabs that's big" he laughs as he pulls her in for a kiss. This time I can't help but watch them.

"Okay me next" Corbyn says, "truth or dare Corbyn" Molly asks, "dare obviously" Corbyn says, "I dare you to be my slave for the next hour" Molly says, Corbyns mouth drops open and everyone else laughs, "what" he says, "you heard me, it's a dare" she jokes, Corbyn refuses to laugh but rolls his eyes. "Fine" he says which makes me laugh, "now corbyn go get me another drink" Molly says shaking her cup and handing it to him. Corbyn stands up and walks into the kitchen. Molly laughs when hes out of sight, "this is going to be fun" she says, "you've totally got to torture him" Daniel says, "of course I will" she smiles. Corbyn comes in a few seconds later and hands her the drink, "viola" he says before sitting down," why thank you" Molly smiles.

"Okay my turn" Molly says, "truth or dare" Kay asks, "truth, I'm feeling like some tea should be spilt" Molly says looking in Zachs direction which scares me. "hmm, I don't know" Kay says, "who was the best you've ever had" Tate asks, Molly instantly removes her eyes from Zach. "Hard one" Molly starts, she thinks for a few more seconds. I look over at Zach and he smirks to himself knowing Molly is going to say his name, "it was my ex, I'd rather not say his name, he doesn't deserve the clout" Molly jokes as she takes another sip of her coke, "fair enough, no ex deserves clout" Tate shrugs. I look at Zach again and his face looks confused, I guess he doesn't know if she's had a boyfriend since him, she hasn't.

Next is me and I'm slighty scared as to what I'm going to be asked since I refuse to choose dare. Last time I chose dare when playing truth or dare with these guys I lost all my clothes and had to hide in a bush until Molly could bring me more. "Truth or dare Grace" Jonah asks me, "truth" I say confidently, "have you ever loved anyone" Kay asks, my body tenses up. "Ooo, we've been trying to get this one out of her for a while now" Tate says. I can't help but glance over in Jacks direction, he's looking down at his hands like he's purposely trying not to catch my eye. "Erm" I start, I look over at Jonah and he gives me kind eyes which helps my nerves.

My Exception// Jack Avery [2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن