CHAPTER 26 [delayed]

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Today is the day before Corbyn and Christina's four year anniversary and she's flying into LA from New York right this second, her flight is schedueled to land in an hour and we're all bussing to see her. Corbyn however is especially excited and somewhat nervous, he's been pacing around the room for the past 10 minutes and checking his phone for any messages or calls every 10 seconds. "Bro, chill" Jonah laughs as Corbyn does another lap around the room, "why are you nervous, she's your girlfriend, she loves you" I attempt to calm him down. He pauses and holds his head, "I havent seen her in months" he says to me.

"You facetime every day" Daniel points out and Corbyn sharply turns to him, "facetime is different to actual face to face encounters" Corbyn panics. I roll my eyes and pull myself off the couch to walk over t him. I hold both sides of his face which makes him stop moving, "you and Christina are perfect, she loves you, calm down" I say to him and his face and body softens. "I dont know why I get so nervous" he says when I drop my hands from his face. "Because you're in love with the girl" Jonah says and Corbyns cheeks go red, "I cant wait to see her" he says smiling and I smile over the cuteness. "I cant wait to fucking see her, its been three years" I laugh and Corbyns phone pings.

He rushes over to it and picks it up, his face lights up at whatever is on he screen, "I need to go, its time" he smiles excitedly, "her flight doesnt land for another hour" Zach points out, "yeah, well I need to drive there and everything" Corbyn picks his jacket up and walks towards the door, "go get your girl" I shout and he smiles even wider, "see you guys soon" he waves before leaving the house. Its cute how excited Corbyn gets over Christina even after nearly four years of dating, theur love hasnt never died out and I'm so happy for them. They are the perfect example of what a relationship should be like, I just wish I took their example more with mine. This is my frist time being are Jacks house since that night and its wierd without him in the room. He really does keep to his own bedroom the entire time, I dont think he's left at all since I got here and I dont blame him. If I saw him right now, I dont know what I'd say.

"He still acts sixteen years old when he talks about her" Zach laughs, "shut up its cute" I laugh before joining them all back on the couch plopping myself down next to Daniel, "he really does love that girl" Jonah says, "has she changed much since high school" I ask him and he shakes his head, "still the exact same Christina" he laughs, "do you think she'll hate me for not staying in touch with her" I ask them, "hell no, she keeps asking Corbyn about you whenever they're on facetime" Daniel says and I calm down a little when he throws his arm over my shoulder. "Corbyn told her every thing that happened with Jack, so dont be surprised if she asks you about it" Zach warns me, "I kind of knew I would have that coming" I laugh.

"Hey, when's Molly getting here" Daniel asks me and I pull my phone out the check the time, "soon, she should be here by now but you know what she's like, she's always late" I laugh. "What can we watch in the meantime, I'm bored" Zach groans, "I know" Jonah speaks up, "no, no more scary films" Daniel quickly cuts in but Jonah just shakes his head. "I was going to suggest Harry Potter since you guys wont watch scary films with me" Jonah sasses and we all exchange a look as if we agree with Harry Potter. Jonah smiles excitedly and plays the frist Harry Potter film whilst we wait for both Corbyn and Christina to come back and for ever when Molly decides to show up.

Half way through the film my phone starts to ring, when I look down at the screen I see Mollys name popping up, I answer it quickly, "hey" I say when it connects, "hey, do you want me to get food" she asks, I raise an eyebrow in confusion, "you're offering to buy food for us" I ask her and she laughs a little, "well I woke up like an hour ago and I'm hungry so its either you accept my kind offer to buy you food or not" she says on the other end and I laugh, "okay fine, let me ask the boys" I say before turning to the others. "Guys, Molly is offering to buy us food so send her a list of food you want each" I smile at them and their faces instantly light up. "Thats not fair, I'll be broke" she groans and I laugh at her, "shouldn't have offered to buy us food and its too late to back out of it now, see you soon Mols" I smile to myself before ending the call without letting her say anything to me in return.

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