CHAPTER 6 [just not jack]

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I chose not to tell Molly about mine and Jacks little conversation the other night since nothing is going to be different. We both agreed we're going to pretend as if we didn't know each other so there was no need, I probably wont even talk to Jack when I see him but that's not what I'm worried about right now. Me and Molly are both in an uber right now driving to the boys house, Molly is going to see Zach for the first time in three years and I'm petrified something will kick off. That's the only thing worth worrying about right now. Sure, she's promised she wont even notice him but its Molly and Zach, they cant ignore each other.

"Yes, we can pretend as if we don't know each other" Molly reassures me, "are you sure?" I ask her, "you guys can't really ignore each other, Zach's drawn to you" I say to her, "yeah well you and Jack are no different" she states the obvious, "if you guys can do it, then we can" she says looking down at her phone. "Are you going to be okay with Kay and Zach flirting" I hesitate to ask her, "what do you mean" she tenses up, "I know they got a long very well last time and when she likes a guy, you know what she's like" I say warning her, "I'll be fine Grace" she says trying to come across as not bothered but I know she cares even if it is just a little.

As the uber turns the corner I realise we're on the boys' street. "It's on this road" I say to Molly, "okay" she smiles slightly. The uber pulls up outside the house and we get out together with a 'thank you'. If you're wondering, neither me or Molly felt like driving today, hence the uber. "Okay lets go" I say to her slightly nervous, "Grace, calm down" she laughs as we walk up to the house. Molly knocks on the door and within a few seconds Jonah answers. He smiles widely when he sees Molly and me. "Everyone's outside come in" he says letting us in the house. He quickly takes the opportunity to hug us both tightly without anyone else seeing, "ugh, I've missed both of you so much" he says, we laugh a little, "grandpa Jonah, oh how I've missed you" Molly teases, "hey, I'm not a grandpa anymore" he laughs, "true, you don't have to look after me every night, she does" Molly says pointing at me "sorry, normally I'm fucked up too thanks to you" I laugh. Molly rolls her eyes as we begin to walk outside.

"So, are you gonna be okay seeing Zach" Jonah asks Molly, "dude, I don't care, it wont bother me" Molly says and she could've fooled me, "how about you and Jack Grace" he asks, "what do you mean me and Jack" I ask trying to come across as though I don't either, I don't think it worked. Even after three years, Jonah can still read me like a book, "just be honest with me" he says standing in front of me and holding both of my hands, "are you okay" he asks gently, "I think so" I smile weakly, "well if anything happens my bedroom is the first one on the left upstairs if you wanna get away" he smiles, "thanks Jonah" I say and pull him into a hug. "Now prepare yourself for the mess" Jonah laughs a little, "this is weird" Molly laughs, "girl, you haven't even seen the others yet" I laugh as Jonah slides the glass door open.

We walk out to see Gabbie and Jack cuddled up on an outside couch of course near Kay and Zach who are looking pretty cosy also. Tate seems to be having fun talking to Corbyn and Daniel they seem to get along well as well. "Look who's finally here" Jonah says getting every ones attention. Tate and Kay run over to us and pull us all into a hug being slowly followed by Gabbie who took a little longer to leave her boyfriend to see us. As I hug Gabbie I look over her shoulder and see Jack sitting where he was before but this time looking tense rather than calm. I smirk and hug Gabbie tighter knowing that this is making him uncomfortable. "I've missed you guys" Gabbie says pulling Molly into a hug. I look over at Zach who's starring at Molly as though all he wants to do is wrap his arms around her like Gabbie is doing right this second. You can practically see the heart break in his eyes.

As I look back at Molly and Gabbie, I see that Molly is also doing the same thing as Zach, "Mols" I whisper which breaks her eye contact to him. She smiles at me and mouths 'I'm fine' before everything goes back to normal. "Hey let me introduce you to everyone Mols" Gabbie says holding her hands and guiding her in Jacks direction. I turn to Kay and Tate, "you seem to be getting on with Zach" I say to Kay, "he's cute isn't he" she winks at me before leaving me to rejoin him on the other side of the garden. "I'm going to say hi to Daniel and Corbyn, you two have fun" I say to both Tate and Jonah. Tate smirks as I leave them to talk. I noticed last time we were all together that Jonah and Tate got on well and Tate definitely said she was interested. Maybe grandpa Jonah will get a girl.

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