CHAPTER 18 [I know you do]

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When we pull up to the house panic sets in. Out of all people Jack wanted to speak to me but I dont know how to calm him down - it normally ends in a screaming match. "Dont take anything he says to heart Grace, you know drunk and he doesnt mean it" Molly assures me, "I'm just trying to figure out what to say" I say as i stare at the house, "well its show time" she says as Jonah opens the door and gestures us to come inside. I climb out of the car and speed walk up to the house. The place was trashes, broken plates were scattered over the floor which is what I suspect was that loud crash on the phone earlier, "where is he" I ask, "outside, he wont talk to any of us, he said he needed to talk to you" Jonah says and i can tell by the tone of his voice that he was worried, "back for me trouble" Zahc appears from the stairs, "I'm here for Grace" Molly fake smiles.

I turn to face Molly, "play nice, please" I beg and she nods. "Where did he even get the alcohol from, I thought you guys said you dont keep any in the house" I ask as I begin to walk towards the outside doors, "it's Jack, he found some" Corbyn says, "was he like this when you got back?" I ask Daniel, "Gabbie was running out of the house crying when we got back, Jack hadnt broke into the alcohol by that point" he says worried, "so you just let him drink" I say and he shakes his head, "locked himself in his bedroom" Zach says and I nod, "wish me luck" I say before opening the glass doors and closing them behind me to walk outside.

When I step outside I see Jack sat on the outside couch with plenty of beer bottles sprawled across the tables. He flicks his head sharply to look over at me and almost laughs at himself befroe taking another sip of his drink. I roll my eyes before I make my way over to him, "what happened" I ask instantly as I sit across from him, he looks up to my eyes and his eyes were red and puffy as if he'd been crying, "I didnt think you'd actually come, you hate me" he says bluntly before taking anoter sip of his drink, "thats right, I do hate you, but I also know that you being drunk is the worst thing for you right now" I say before snatching the bottle out of his hand.

"Give me it back" Jack says through gritted teeth, "you dont scare me" I say to him and he rolls his eyes, "give me the drink Grace" he says with a clenched jaw. "No" I simply, Jack scoffs, "fine, I'll go get another" he stands up and heads inside. "If you go and get another dtink, I wont be here when you get back" I warn him and he pauses in his tracks, "I dont care you shouldnt have come" he says before storming inside. I sit there stunned, not knowing what I could do. I find myself walking inside and immediately Jonah comes rushing over.

"Why did he leave" he asks, "he doesnt want me here, I'm going home" I say and Jonah grabs my wrist to stop me as I try to get past, "you know that he wont listen to any of us but you, please, just talk to him, scream at him if you have to I dont care, sort him out" he pleads. I almost feel guilty for him having to deal with Jack right now and if what he is saying is true, maybe I am the only person that Jack will listen to. If a screaming match is what he wants then a screaming match he's going to get. I roll my eyes and storm upstairs to Jacks room before walking in without knocking.

"What the fuck" Jack groans half naked and trying to cover himself with a hoodie. If the circumstances were different then I'd be finding it hard to breath right now. "You are going to sit down and tell me what the fuck happened, I dont care if you're drunk" I say sternly and I could physically see Jack's body tense up. "What you think you can just show up and automatically fix me" he spits out, "no, I think you deserve someone to shout at you and tell you the truth for once, now tell me what happened with Gabbie and if you take anoher drink I will smash the bottle over your head" I warn him, "kinky shit" he mutters and I push his shoulder, "tell me" I shout and this time I wasnt asking.

"Gabbie wanted to move in" Jack says and at first I was taken aback, "what" I say, "she wanted to move in and when I said no she accused me of cheating because I've been so off with her" Jack said and he cant pretend to care, he did cheat on her, with me. "So what, you just argue then kick her out and drink, that's a stupid reason" I spit out, "do you want me to tell her I cheated on her with you" he asks and my stomach drops to hear those word come out of his mouth, "no, but shes your girlfriend, you dont pull this shit on her" I say to him, "what shit" he shouts, "I cheated on her with you and now she wants to move it but no, she cant do that" he shouts getting closer to me, "why" I croak out, "because, she cant move in if I'm constantly thinking about you naked in my fucking bed" Jack says lowly in my ear which sends a shiver through my entire body.

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