CHAPTER 30 [this whole time]

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Right now me and Molly are at my apartment, patiently awaiting the girls to show up. Things have been very weird lately with Gabbie and Jack ending and me getting 'back together' with him and Tate thinking me and Jonah have a thing and to be completely honest, I don't even know what's going with Zach and Kay but I'm pretty sure he was using her as a way to get to Molly. But, besides from that Gabbie is going home tomorrow and we wanted to see her one last time before she left us. For some reason it feels like I'm always having to say goodbye to someone, my mum, Spencer, Elliott and even Jack and one point but we all know how that one turned its saying goodbye to Gabbie.

Maybe one day I'll tell her everything, but I don't want her to leave on a sour note, she deserves to be happy and I shouldn't be here to cause her more pain I already have. That is why I've decided not to tell her yet, maybe when she's home and away from everyone and she's settles back in, maybe I'll finally find the courage to tell her everything. Jack doesn't know I'm seeing Gabbie, I don't think he'd be to happy if he did and things are going so perfectly I don't want to cause any problems for us because for once thing finally seem like they're working out.

"You're not going to tell her are you" Molly walks into my bedroom, I turn away from the window I was looking out of to look at her, "how can I, she deserves to leave happy, I cant tell her that I am the reason she's been so unhappy and the reason she's leaving" I say, Molly's face turns soft as though she understands what I'm saying however, still doesn't agree with it. "Look I will tell her at some point, I just cant right now" I say walking over to my bed to grab my phone, "promise me you will, she'll understand it all when she knows the full story" Molly states, "I know" I manage to crack a smile.

Molly groans before sitting down on my bed, "you know, this is going to be awkward at first, Tate still thinks you're sleeping with Jonah, I spoke to her yesterday" Molly laughs, "ew, don't even put that image in my mind, Jonah is a literal brother" I cringe as I lay down next to her, "and Zach is as well so don't start telling me about your sex life" I groan, "he doesn't speak to Kay anymore, did you know that" is all she says, "how do you know" I ask her, "he told me" she shrugs, "well if he was using her to get to you, he cant do that anymore" I say, "he doesn't need to" Molly says, "what's that suppose to me" I ask sitting up. Molly rolls her eyes and sits up too, "maybe" she starts, "maybe if you and Jack can work things out" she says but pausing. I feel a huge smile growing on my face by what I think she could be saying, "maybe, me and Zach can as well" she says without looking me in the eyes.

I scream a little and hug her tightly, "I knew it, I fucking knew it" I scream still hugging her, "I cant breathe" Molly says in which I let go of her quickly, "he's crazy about you, he always will be" I say to her, just as Molly goes to say something there a loud knock at my door. "This conversation isn't over, we're talking about this when everyone is gone" I point at Molly as I leave my bedroom to answer the door. When the door opens I see all my girls, Tate, Kay and most importantly, Gabbie. I see their faces light up when they see me, "We missed you" they all scream at once as they pull me into a hug, "nice to know I'm wanted" Molly says behind us, we all laugh and pull her into the hug. "This was very much needed" Kay giggles as we all let go and walk over to the couches in the room.

"I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever" Tate says as we all sit down, "I know right" Molly laughs. "I missed you all" I say, "don't go soft on us now Grace" Tate groans, making us all laugh. "Okay guys, rule number one for tonight. no boy talk and our phone are all going on the table, no one is touching them" Gabbie says, "okay deal" Kay laughs. The rest of us nod and pull our phone out of our pockets to put them on the table in the kitchen. "Wait before I put my phone down I need to send something" Tate says, "ugh fine" Gabbie says. The rest of us put our phones down on the table whilst Tate types a message to god knows who before we all plop ourselves back down on the couches.

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