CHAPTER 31 [a thousand percent]

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"Wait, so you've been lying to us this entire time?" Tate asks, confused. Me and Molly exchange a glance before we both nod our heads, ashamed that we kept it a secret for so long. "I totally thought you were fucking Jonah" Tate says, "and Zach was your boyfriend" Kay asks Molly, she nods slightly, her awkwardness obvious in her movement. "Holy shit, Jack is the reason you refuse to get into a relationship" Tate points out, "well clearly not since she's with him now" Kay mumbles. "I know this is confusing, I didn't mean for it to happen, really, I tired so hard and its no excuse, I knew what I was doing was wrong and I feel terrible for it" I say to them.

"Gabbie lost her boyfriend because of you Grace" Tate says, disappointment in her voice, "I know she did, I didn't mean for it to happen" I say, "look, you know we love you, we always will but this, this is all too fucked up for me to handle right now" Kay says, "we get it, its not exactly a walk in the park" Molly says, "I cant believe your mum dragged you out to LA to make sure you wont see him again" Tate says, head down at the ground. "And your brother, oh my god, Grace I'm so sorry I had no idea" Kay says, "its fine, I have nothing to do with them now, I'm happier without them" I say to them. "I know its not an excuse and I don't expect you guys to talk to Gabbie for me but, Jack has some sort of hold over me, he is the reason for my bad decisions as well as my good" I say, trying to make some sense of the situation.

"Well, obviously we're pissed at you for keeping this from us, and for hurting Gabbie" Tate shrugs, "I know, and I understand that" I say, "but you are one of our best friends, I think if Gabbie knew, she'd some what understand but I don't now if she could forgive you for it despite your history with Jack" Kay says, "I don't expect her to" I say, "are you guys pissed?" Molly asks them, "hell yeah we're pissed" both of them say in unison, "no offense but you've both been bitches to us and Gabbie for months now" Tate says, "okay we deserved that" I shrug. "Kay, I'm sorry for saying all that stuff about you and Zach, blame it on jealousy, I didn't mean to hurt you" Molly says, Kays eyes widen, Molly is not one to apologise often, when she does its like a once in a lifetime experience.

"You're forgiven" Kay croaks out, taken aback by Mollys words, "and Tate" I say, catching her attention, her eyes flick towards me, "I really wasn't having sex with Jonah, he was the one who always kind of helped me back home, I'm sorry I kind of stole him away from you" I say to her, she rolls her eyes, "forgiven but don't say sorry for stealing him off me, you should say sorry to Gabbie for doing that" Tate says, "I know and I will, whenever she talks to me" I say. "That probably wont be for a long time" Kay says, "I know, but I'll give her all the time needs" I say. "Gabbie forgives easily, she's not one to hold grudges, maybe she'll come around quicker than you think" Tate suggests, "I have a feeling its going to be a while until she even thinks about looking at my messages" I mumble.

The girls left shortly after that. Telling them everything wasn't easy and me and Molly knew they weren't going to be happy with us but however, it did feel a bit better telling them everything; the thought of what Gabbie was feeling right now definitely made me feel worse. I didn't intend for it all to come out like this, if I had just turned my phone off like everyone else this wouldn't have happened. But, now that I think about it, I don't know how else it would've come out. It could've took me months to come up with the courage to tell her, sure it wasn't the nicest way she found out but I blame myself for that. I blame myself for everything, after all it is all my fault. I'm almost certain that Gabbie will never, truly, forgive me for it and I don't blame her, if it was the other way around I wouldn't either, I just hope she'll at least consider hearing me out so she knows there's some reasoning behind it.

"Are you going to tell Jack" Molly asks as I sit down on my bed, "I have to" I say without thinking, "he deserves to know" I shrug, "will he be pissed" Molly asks me, "one thousand percent he'll be pissed" I say blankly, knowing it was true. "Do you feel any better about it" Molly asks, "I don't know" I say, I turn to face her, "do you" I ask, "I don't know" she says. "Kay was surprised about you and Zach" I say trying to take the pressure off of me, "yeah I think because of how we treated each other she would've never have guessed that I once loved the kid" she says with a weak laugh, "well yeah, you were and still are horrible to each other" I say to her. A small smile grows on her face, "maybe its just our way to showing that we care" Molly shrugs, "it definitely is" I laugh a little.

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