CHAPTER 15 [lovey dovey]

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"I don't want to go tonight" I groan in the car, "well we have to, Gabbie is expecting us to" Molly says and I turn the corner onto their street, "just to help Gabbie" I say and I see Molly nod at the side of me. "You spoke to Kay" I ask her when the car slows, "nope, you spoke to Tate" she asks me and I nod, "she just found it weird of how close me and Jonah but I assured her I'm not interested in him like that" I laugh, "good, she gets protective" Molly says, "yeah, I have warned Jonah" I say as we pull up outside the house.

"So, about earlier" I say, trying to get Molly to tell me anything that happened between her and Zach but of course, it doesn't go to plan, "Zach is a thing that we are not to talk about unless you want me to bring up the fact that you slept with Jack" Molly says, "fine" is all I say before getting out the car. As we start to approach the house the door opens before we even get to it, "what's happening" I ask Zach who is standing in the door way. It is important to note that despite the fact I had just asked Zach a question, he wasn't looking at me, he was in fact starring at Molly with the cockiest smirk I've ever seen. I'd like the say it was returned but Molly looks as if she's ready to swing for the guy.

"I hope you guys brought money, we're going out to eat" Kay appears alongside Zach which breaks the intense eye contact Molly and him had going on a few seconds before, "where are we going" I ask, "just some restaurant place, its like 10 minutes away" Zach smiles smugly as he wraps his arm around Kay which causes a small smile to form on her face, "great, where's everyone else" Molly rolls her eyes at them, "inside" Kay smiles before walking back in. I choose to push past Zach to join the others and I faintly hear him mumble something to Molly along the lines of, "back for more" and then I heard a "speak one word of what happened and I will smash those teeth out of your head" from Molly.

When we had successfully joined everyone else it looked almost normal. Tate and Jonah were cosy in the corner waiting to leave, eventually Kay and Zach found each other and even Jack and Gabbie were talking which is something I cant say I've missed. Everyone seemed ready which means they were only waiting for us. "I'm going to get my jack from upstairs then we can go" Gabbie smiles as she leaves Jacks embrace and his eyes instantly clock with mine. He sends me and wink before walking towards me. Molly had wondered off to talk to Corbyn and Daniel, which means Jack saw his chance to speak to me and only me.

"Hey, how are you" he asks and I'm almost surprised at the attempt of a normal conversation, "I'm fine, how did the talk with Gabbie go?" I ask him and he shrugs, "said I was sorry, she said it was fine" is all he says, "so no arguing" I question, "Gabbie isn't the sort of person to argue, she just accepts my apologies" he says and he almost seemed annoyed at the fact that Gabbie doesn't ever argue but idnt that suppose to be a good thing? Too much arguing in a relationship leads to a break up, right? "Did you mean it" I ask, not knowing if he did or not, "who knows" he smirks as Gabbie struts down the stairs and quickly finds her way towards us, "thanks for keeping him busy" she jokes, "its fine" I say and Jack lets out a small laugh at the idea of me 'keeping him busy'.

Half an hour later, we're all sitting down waiting for our food to come. The restaurant wasn't fancy enough that you had to make a reservation in advance but it wasn't a place like McDonalds or Taco Bell, it was nice. We all managed to fit on one table, I had Molly on my left and Corbyn on my right and only to my luck was I sat directly opposite Jack who had Gabbie on his left. I think I catch Jack glancing over at me rather than his girlfriend (who he just made up with) at least every five minutes or so.

"I feel like we all haven't hung out in a while" Tate says, "its only been a few days" Daniel laughs, "still weird, usually we see each other every day" Tate says, "well I've seen you every day" Jonah turns to her and she smiles, "don't mind us singles over here, forever lonely" Molly holds her hands up, "get a guy then Mols, its not that hard for you" Kay laughs and Zachs rolls her eyes next to her. "Dating isn't her thing" I laugh, "what like it isn't yours" Jack mumbles and I kick him under the table which causes him to slightly grunt at the pain. Jack has been dropping little comments all night in order to piss me off and to my surprise, Gabbie hasn't even noticed.

"Yeah, why is that Molly" Zach speaks up knowing his involvement in this specific topic will get a reaction out of Molly, "because the last guy I dated was a complete dickhead, made me go off dating as a whole" Molly says through gritted teeth and Zachs jaw clenches, "well you never know, maybe he just got bored of you" Zach says, "I doubt that, the guy was wrapped around my little finger and had been for years, maybe still is now if I was to call him up" Molly says, "okay I am starving I wonder when our foods getting here" Daniel says quickly to help divert from that brewing argument.

The atmosphere during the wait for our food was tense but when it arrived everything was forgotten and it was back to being happy. Most of us girls ordered pastas whereas the boys stuffed their faces with huge burgers and fries. Throughout the meal Gabbie was sneaking fries off of Jacks plate and I could tell it was annoying him by the his jaw tightened everytime she reached over to grab one, I couldn't help but laugh since I knew he wasn't going to make a fuss about it because I was here. When we were all done we decided to order desserts, I was pretty full so I didn't order any but everyone else decided to get one.

"Okay I'm going to pee" Gabbie stands up just after we ordered them, "me too" Kay also stands up and is then quickly followed by Tate, "you guys coming?" Tate asks me and Molly and we both shake our heads. They all nods awkwardly and leave the table. "What the fuck was that shit Zach" Molly instantly turned to face him, "you called me a dickhead" he spits out, "because you was a dickhead" Molly scoffs, "can you guys please not argue" Jonah rolls his eyes, "the others will know somethings going on" Corbyn points out, "I don't care, Zach knows he didn't get bored of me" Molly says slouching back in her chair, "maybe I did" Zach spits out and Molly quickly turns to me.

"Grace, can you tell the five year old that I am not speaking to him for the rest of the night" she says with her arms crossed and I lean over to face Zach who only rolls his eyes before saying, "she'll be crawling into my bed for another bang before we know it" and before Molly could open her mouth Jack speaks, "for fuck sake both of you stop" Jack groans, "you cant talk, don't act like you and Grace didn't fuck the other day and now you're sitting here all lovey dovey with your fucking girlfriend" Molly snaps and my eyes go wide. "You what" Daniels says shocked as he looks between me and Jack. I didn't know that he didn't know and by the looks of it, he isn't happy with it. In fact, he looks even more angrier than Molly right now (if that's even possible).

Both of mine and Jacks heads were down and refusing to look at anyone, "this is so fucked up" Daniel says before standing up and walking off. "Molly what the hell" I snap, "please can we just stop, the girls will be back soon" Jonah quickly says and everyone quiets down. I look up at Jack who's already looking at me, "well it's not a secret now" he smiles smugly which only makes me angrier, "how are you so smug about this right now" I say to him angry, "because, Gabbie doesn't know, so I'm fine" he shrugs, I roll my eyes at him and he quickly speaks up again, "don't worry Gracie" he says and this time I almost believe him.

A few moments later the girls return to a very tense table with no Daniel. I think they could tell it was tense due to the fact that they sat down very slowly and cautious. Just before the desserts arrived Daniel comes strolling back in but without looking in either my or Jack's direction. I'm not surprised he's annoyed although I didn't think it would've had this much of an effect on him. I hate myself for it but for some reason I couldn't stop myself from doing it. The rest of the night was interesting to say the least.

My Exception// Jack Avery [2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang