CHAPTER 35 [you lose people]

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The entire ride home was full of even more laughter between me and Jack. I can honestly say that in this moment everything was perfect. Everything I once felt for him was there and even more. The last day before I left, when we told each other we loved one another was replaying in my head over and over, I had no idea how I ever let him go. I don't want to loose him again, if I did then this time I really would break. Maybe I always sort of knew that we'd find out way back to each other, our own little fairy tale. I know I once said that love was nothing but a fictional emotion and that it was only obsessing over a fantasy but what I am feeling right now if the most real thing I think I have ever felt. All I want to do is tell him how much I love him and how much I want to be with him but I have a plan for that and I'm just hoping everything goes right.

When we pull up outside the house and the music stops in the car, I get those butterflies in my stomach that I always used to get, like a 16 year old school girl with her first crush. "You know we have to go back in there at some point" Jack says to me breaking me out of thought, "I know, I'm just soaking up all the goodness right now" I smile at him. "Thank you" I say to him, "for what" he asks, "for not letting me walk out of on you again, for making me stay" I say to him, "I didn't make you do anything Gracie, that was all you" he says as he reaches for my hand. "Its never easy for us is it Avery" I say to him, "nope, that's just boring" he laughs. I lean over to kiss him, his hands on either side of my face, pulling me in closer. He slips his tongue in my mouth and begins to explore it which only quickens my heart beat and brings another feeling into focus.

"Fuck Jack" I pull away, "after a day of softness I think we both need a contrast" he smirks at me. My cheeks go hot and I don't want anything more than to fulfil the fantasy that just entered my mind. "When we get inside, but not in your car" I laugh a little, "maybe one day" he winks at me, "you cant keep anything PG can you" I say to him, he shakes his head at me, "that's just not me" he winks again. I roll my eyes at him and open the car door beside me to get out. "Are we keeping the boards in the car" I ask him when he finally gets out, "yeah, I cant be arsed to take them upstairs" he says as I walk around the car to join him. He grabs my hand as soon as I appear at his side, "can we order pizza" I ask him since I'm starving, "your wish is my command princess" he says to me before pecking my lips. I smile at him before finally walking into the house.

"Where have you guys been" Corbyn asks us as we walk through the door, "somewhere" Jack says winking down at me, I cant help but smile up at him. "Well we've got news" Jonah says sternly which yanks both me and Jack out of own little bubble, you could tell by the tone of Jonahs voice that this wasn't going to be good. We all sit down and we even joined by Tate and Kay. "What's happened" I ask since everything quiet. "Gabbie called" Tate says abruptly as if she needed to get the words out. I go quiet and still, I don't know what to expect. "And?" Jacks asks for me, grabbing my hand and squeezing it lightly in hopes of calming me down. "She wanted me to tell you that she doesn't want to talk to you" Tate says, but she's not only looking at me, she's flicking her eyes between both me and Jack.

"Okay, that's understandable" Jacks says because I cant speak, "she doesn't want to talk to any of us" Kay says, "what" I ask, "she doesn't want anything to do with me or Kay or Molly, not even any of the guys and especially not you two" Tate says, "wait so she's cutting off all her friends because of something me and Grace did?" Jacks asks, you could tell he was getting angry because he let go of my hand meaning he didn't want to squeeze too hard that it would hurt. "Jack, its fine" Molly says, "no, not fine, I understand me and Grace but you guys did nothing to her, how can she just cut you off" he asks. A million thoughts go through my head but the one that sticks out if how I felt when me and Jack broke up. I didn't want to talk to him or any of the guys because any reminder of Jack broke my heart.

"Its nothing personal" I mutter. Jacks eyes flick towards mine sharply, as do everyone else's. "What do you mean" Kay asks me. I take a deep breathe before speaking again, "its not that she doesn't want anything to do with you guys, its the fact that you guys have everything to do with me and Jack" I say. "So she doesn't want us in her life because Jack is in ours" Tate asks confused. "No" I say, trying to think of the right thing to say and how to say it. Everyone looks at me confused, "the only memories Gabbie has of all of us are the ones she also has with Jack and me" I say, "when me and Jack broke up, I cut myself off from everyone - including the guys because every time I would speak to them or even think about them I thought of Jack and it hurt too much" I explain, "its not you guys in particular, its what she remembers when she thinks of you and talks to you, she remembers how much I hurt her as well and Jack, so I understand" I say.

Everyone faces soften a little as if they understand what I'm saying. "It still hurts" Tate says, "she was one of our best friends" Kay looks down, "I know but I also know that with the friendship you guys had, she wont want to throw it all away completely so just give her time, she deserves at least that" I say to them. They both nod at me in agreement. "What if she doesn't ever want to speak to us again" Kay asks worried, "then you cant do anything about it, its her choice, you have to respect it" Daniel says, "you loose people in life, that's just how life is" he says shortly after and somehow that single sentence alone gave everyone the closure they needed on the situation, even me. I might not be able to fix what I did, but I can learn to live with it and understand that its just how things will have to be from now on. Of course I don't blame Gabbie for cutting us all off, I get it and I have to stop hating myself for everything as well. You loose people in life, that's how life is.

After a few hours everyone has headed off to bed. I didn't realise just how long me and Jack actually spent at the little skate park. It was pitch black by the time we got back to the house. Jack has already fallen asleep on the bed, I however, cannot seem to put my mind to rest. I pull myself out of bed, making sure not to wake Jack up in the process since he wouldn't be very happy about that. I walk out the bedroom and walk further down the corridor. When I get to Zachs door I push it open slightly to see if Molly is still in there. Of course she's happily sprawled about on the bed with Zachs pushed up in the corner with the smallest amount of room possible. I contain my laughter and make my way towards Molly, trying not to trip over the extensive amounts of dirty clothes that are all over the floor.

When I get to Molly's side a little I shake her lightly in hopes of waking her up. After a few shakes I see her eyes open, but of course she rolls her eyes at me before sitting up. I gesture towards the door and she nods her head before following me out, closing the door softly behind her. We make out way downstairs, away from all the bedrooms before we finally choose to sit down on the couch. "You okay Grace" Molly asks me, "to be honest, I think this is the happiest I've been for the longest time" I say to her with a smile. Her face brightens up and she pulls me into a hug. "I am so happy to hear that, its about time you feel happy" she laughs a little when pulling away. "I know, disregarding the Gabbie thing tonight, everything seems back to perfect" I smile a little. "You know you didn't have to wake me up in the middle of the night to tell me this though" Molly groans a little.

"Well, it wasn't just that that I wanted to tell you" I say. "Okay, what is it, where did you and Jack go earlier, I want to hear details" she asks. I giggle a little at how invested she is of where me and Jack went earlier. "Okay, you know how back home me and Jack would always be out at that skatepark?" I ask her, "yes of course" she says, "well, Jack found another little version of it here and he took me there and we skated for hours" I tell her, "it was amazing, we were laughing the entire time, it felt like I was at home again" I say to her, "that is perfect, I could cry" Molly says wiping her fake tears away. "It was so weird, everything was just how it was back home and it got me thinking" I say to her, her eyebrows raise, "what are you thinking" she asks me, intrigued.

"Do you think if I ask Jack to be my boyfriend he'll say yes" I ask her, "are you being fucking serious" she asks me, "of course he will" she almost screams as she launches herself onto me in fits of giggles. I hoped she'd say that.


A/N: Again I am so sorry for the slow updates, I know I promised quicker ones but I'm stupid and I do apologise. However, I think you guys are going to be very excited for what is to come, I know I am. But sadly, the book is going to start coming to an end. Remember I love reading all your comments on the book and I hope you all are still enjoying it, thank you for everything. Kisses,

- Pinky <3

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