CHAPTER 22 [its okay to cry]

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An hour after Jack left, I find myself in the same spot on the floor, still shaking, still crying. Everything happened so fast and my heart hurts too much that I cant even bring myself to move. Again, my heart is shattered by no one else but Jack. He is the only person that has ever come close to my heart and he was the one who broke it, over and over again. I once thought we were the exception to all heart break and misery, turns out I was wrong. If I was right I wouldnt be sitting on my floor broken into billion of peices, all of which form a Jack shaped hole in my heart. You might say that I have no one else to blame but myself and I agree but loving someone means to let them go when you cant love them the way they deserve, I truly belive Gabbie will treat Jack better than me. Maybe its my lack of self confidence that I dont belive I can do the same but who knows.

My phone rings in the silence of my own apartment and I let it ring, refusing to answer. I havent stopped crying, I doubt the person on the other end of the phone wil be able to understand what I'm saying if I choose to answer. I turn my head to glance over at my phone and see Jonahs name plastered on the screen along with various texts from him and the other boys when the ringing finally stops. If I wanted to talk to anyone right now then it would be Jonah, he seems to always be there even when I dont even know that I need him. Another texts pops up on my phone and I can just make out whay it says through the tears that have built up in my eyes.

Jonah: I'm coming over, open the door or I am breaking it down

My heart drops to my stomach at the thought of Jonah seeing me like this and Jack being the reason. Even though I feel the need to clean myself up before he gets here, I still cant bring myself to move from the spot on my floor. After all the crying, I feel numb, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to do anything, I dont have the energy. Why, even after three years, does Jack still manage to make me feel this way. The crying has stopped, everything around me has stopped and I'm trapped in the silence.

Two knocks at my door break the quiet, but I dont move. Another two knocks lightly hit my door and are followed by a soft voice, "Grace, please answer, you dont have to talk, just open the door" I hear Jonah whisper, "I promise, we can sit in silence until you're ready to talk, or not" he says shortly after. I begin to think that maybe Jonah is what I need right now, just someone to sit with until everything in my head stops spinning. Suddenly, I gain a small amount of strength and I pull myself up and off the floor, I pplace my hand softly on the key in the door, taking a moment to compose myself before tunring it to unlock the door.

I take a deep breath before I begin to slowly turn the key in the door. After it clicks I open the door slightly, only enough that I could just see Jonah standing there. My eyes fall down to the bag in his hand which seems to be filled to the top. My eyes flick from the bag to his eyes and they are kind, like they always are with Jonah. I open the door more so now I can fully see Jonah and he can fully see me. "Whats in the bag" I whisper out, "ice-cream, chocolate, candy, popcorn, whatever it is, name it and I have it" he smiles, "thought you might want some snacks" he says shortly after and I feel another tear roll down my face from how incredibly sweet and kind he is, everyone needs a Jonah in their life, they're amazing.

Soon enough, I am engulfed in a hug and I nuzzle my face into Jonah chest as he hugs me tighter, planting a kiss on the top of my head. "Here, lets get inside, put whatever movie you want on, and eat some ice cream" he whispers to me, still hugging. "Do you have mint-chocolate chip" I mumble into his chest, "of course I do" he says into my hair and I nod slightly before pulling away to let him inside. He walks in and I close the door lightly, making sure to lock it behind me just incase anyone came by and saw the state I was in.

Jonah makes his way to my kitchen and places every item in the bag in the counter, almost filling it up. He wasnt wrong, anything you could think of, he has. "I pretty much picked up one thing of everything in the store" Jonah says when he realises I'm starring at the selection. "We dont have to talk about anything, just choose what you want while I go and pick out some of your favourite movies" he smiles kindly before leaving me to go over to my tv to search through netflix. I scan my eyes through the selction of foods and they quickly land on the huge tub of mint-choclate chip ice cream. I walk over to the drawer and pull out a big spoon before grabbing the tub and making my way over to Jonah.

My Exception// Jack Avery [2]Where stories live. Discover now