CHAPTER 24 [seeing gabbie]

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Today, I'm seeing the girls and I'm seeing Gabbie. I have to put my game face on, I dont know if I'll crack when I see Gabbie. "You dont have to do this today" Molly appears in the doorway of my bedroom, "its time" I smile at my reflection in the mirror. For the frist time in a week I'm dressed and ready to leave the apartment, it feels good but at the same time, I feel nervous about how everything is going to go." "Okay, well are you ready, the girls are metting us at the breakfast place in like 20 minutes" Molly smiles, "Yeah, just got to get my shoes on" I smile before pulling out some white and baby pink vans from underneath my bed.

I slide both of them on and tie them up slowly, not knowing if I should leave the house. "Take your time" Molly laughs as I finally finish tieing them up. I roll my eyes and stand up to face her, "Jonah left when you were in the shower, now lets go I'm starving" Molly holds her hand out for me and I gladly take it a she gides us both out of the apartment and outside. "How you doing" Molly asks when it goes silent, "well I just found out that I've locked myself away and felt like shit for a week for no reason because Jack went against my wishes anyway" I  say sarcastically, "okay, sorry, we're here anyway" she says as we turn the corner to the cute little breakfast place that sells the best pancakes, ever.

It was Gabbie's idea to have breakfast, she seemed as though it was important to her. I turned my phone on the morning after Molly got home and decided to drop the bomb on me. I didn't know what to think last night other than how Gabbie was doing. She came to me, crying her eyes out over the thought of Jack breaking up with her and whilst I was in my own funk, it happened and I wasn't there for her to cry on my shoulder. I feel guilty at the fact that I was hiding from the world because of my problems with Jack that I wasn't there for her. I'm not sure how I feel about Jack right now, all I want to do is make sure Gabbie is okay because I cant blame anyone else but me for what's happened. I'm tired of feeling guilty, I just want it to stop.

When we walk in, I instantly spot the girls and they wave us over. I see Gabbie smiling widely which isn't what I thought she'd be like, I was shocked to see her smiling. "Gabbie looks happy" I whisper to Molly as we make our way over to them, "I know" Molly says, sounding just as confused as I am. "Hey guys" Molly smiles as we reach the table. Everyone pulls us both into a seperate hug and I instantly feel better about being here. I couldn't bring myself to look Gabbie in the eye, still knowing it was my fault she lost her boyfriend although she seemed very happy when she pulled me into a tight squeeze.

We all sit down and pull out the menus to choose what to order when Molly speaks, "hey Gabs, I heard about you and Jack I'm sorry" she says holding Gabbies hand, Gabbie smiles at her words, "its fine, it was about time things ended anyway" she almost laughs and I raise an eyebrow. When Gabbie came to my place that night, she was in pieces and now she seems totally fine. "How did it happen, if you don't mind me asking" I blurt out curious, "well, I spoke to Zach that night and he just seemed very confused, then when I was about to leave Jack came home and he looked pissed off, I asked him what happened and he blew up at me and I just got fed up with it" Gabbie shrugs, "this girl told Jack to fuck off and never talk to her again because they were done" Tate excitedly interrupts and my eyes go wide.

Gabbie broke up with Jack, Jack didnt break up with Gabbie. That explains why Gabbie doesn't seem to be fazed aboout it all, she seems completely fine and happy. Suddenly a sense of relief leaves me and I feel so much more comfortable knowing it was Gabbies decision and not Jacks. "But you live with his family dont you" Molly asks confused and Gabbies face falls a little, "thats why I asked you guys to breakfast" she says lowly. After a moment of silence and wierd glances between everyone on the table she finally speaks again, "I think I'm going to move back home" she says awkwardly and everyones mouths drop at her words. "What, no you can't" Kay says with her eyes threatening to spill tears.

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