Love Of A Fan

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Love Of A Fan

2014 © All Rights Reserved

Nineteen year old, Mora has an obsession of a celebrity. He isn't a musician or actor, he's an artist with an unique technique.

Mora sprawled across her bed, hands placed behind her head as she stared up at her ceiling. Her brown, doe-like eyes fixated on her favorite paintings she recently purchased. She didn't want to hang them on her walls where they wouldn't get attention from her she felt they deserved. On the ceiling was the ideal spot they needed to be, that way she could stare at them before she fell into a deep slumber and wake up to them, still as beautiful as the day before.

The sun shining into her room, striking her eyes with a brutal force made her roll to her side, avoiding the cruelty of the sun. The brightness and time on her clock reminded her she couldn't lay in bed any longer.

The day was starting without her, as it always does. With a loud groan, Mora slumped out of the warmness of her bed, throwing the blankets off of her and onto the bed. The cold took her by surprise, goosebumps on her skin rising like cookies being baked in an oven.

She walked into the living room, reminiscing on the noise that used to play through the house when her mother was still alive. Her father was never in the picture and she had no siblings to share the big space with. The old photos of her mother were taken down. They were a painful reminder of the only thing she cared about being ripped away from her when she was just starting her life last year. In their place was paintings from the man she admired more than anyone. Niko Vincent.

While her favorite paintings were nailed into the ceiling of her bedroom, the ones down in the living room were still adored by her.

Mora gazed over them, all unique in their own way with only one thing in common. They were made from his own blood. The darkened red popped against the white background. She looked at her first painting she ever bought from Niko. It was a butterfly, the wings had an effect of dripping. She didn't know whether it was intentional, but made the theory that the butterfly was melting into the puddle of blood that helped create the haunting, but beautiful photo.

The watch on her wrist started to beep, causing her to jump and stun her in place for a second until she realized why her watch was beeping. Mora raced over to her little radio, turning it to her favorite station.

Mora sat on a kitchen stool, strands of dark hair falling in front of her face while she stared at the radio sitting on the marble kitchen counter.

"As most of you know, today is the day we give a free ticket to the exclusive art show of the amazing blood artist, Niko Vincent! Be the sixth caller and answer two questions correctly for a free ticket," the radio host, known as Jeb spoke words that made Mora's heart want to burst with excitement.

Mora wasted no time calling up the station for a chance to see the man she looked up to and helped her when she was going through a rough time in her life.

When the phone picked up, her heart picked up it's pace, "Hello?" She spoke eagerly into the phone.

"You are the sixth caller, congratulations!" Jeb shouted into the phone with his deep, raspy voice.

Mora squealed with happiness, knowing all she had to do was answer two questions for her free ticket. "What are the questions?" She was unable to keep herself still in her seat.

"Well aren't you an eager one," Jeb joked while Mora awaited for him to get on with what could be her possible way into the art show. "Here's the first question," He paused, trying hard to give the dramatic vibe.

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