Chapter 64

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I ran over to Natalie's apartment as fast as I could, everyone on my tail behind me. I have to tell Natalie that she can't ignore Kendall again because we don't her to do something else stupid that almost took her life once before.

She left her apartment unlocked, so of course I opened it and went straight to her room. There Natalie was, laying on her stomach, cuddling her bright pink pillow. I knocked on her door, then walked in and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Everything okay?" I laid my head down on Natalie's, rubbing her back. It feels like I'm doing this every time someone gets upset. "No, yes, I don't know Camille. I'm stuck."

I let his sit up and rest her back against her headboard. I followed her and leaned against her headboard as well. "Talk to me, Natalie?"

"I know about Kendall and I's rocky relationship. I know what happened between that caused me to end up in the hospital. I forgave his apology, but I couldn't forgive anything else he did. But Camille, there's another reason why I'm crying."

I looked over at her and nodded for her to continue what she was say. She swallowed, rather loud, then proceeded to continue.

"I still love him more than anything."

Kendall appeared at Natalie's door as soon as the words slipped out of her mouth. I tapped Natalie's shoulder and pointed ahead of me. Her eyes widened and she slowly hopped out of her bed, making her way towards Kendall.

What surprised me was what Natalie did when she approached Kendall. She put her arms around his neck, got on her tiptoes and kissed him. They guys, and Jo, came running in, yelling and squealing for our best friends.

"I still love you Natalie." Kendall said after pulling away from Natalie. From that moment, I knew that nothing could tear them away from each other because I know that Kendall won't be stupid to switch that around.

They wanted privacy, so I headed back to the elevator back to my apartment. "Camille, wait up!" I looked behind me and saw Logan running trying to catch up to me.

He stopped and bent over, trying to catch his breath before he even said another word. I started laughing and leaned against the wall next to the elevator. Once he was done trying to catch his breath, he stood back up, clearing his throat.

"'m not good at this." Logan stuttered, trying to find the right words to say. I shook my head and walked over to him, grabbing his face with my hands.

"But you are at this." I smashed my lips onto his and felt as he deepened it, and god did I miss his lips on mine. I removed my hands from his face and replaced them around his neck. It's been a while since I was able to kiss Logan again, so I'm happy that I finally had the chance too.

Logan and I weren't dating again, but it sure did seem like it when we laid next to each other on my bed watching a movie together. I snuggled up closer to his chest and breathed in his scent.

"This doesn't feel right."

Logan randomly said, sitting up and pushing the blanket to the end of the bed. I stayed in my position but just stared up at him like he was dead or something. If it doesn't feel right, then why are we acting like we're together?

"What are you saying?" I asked after we both stared at each other. "I can't be laying with someone if I'm not dating them, it's just not right." I rolled my eyes then quietly laughed to myself that Logan was completely oblivious to the fact that I know he slept with and kissed Natalie a few night ago.


"Be my girlfriend again Camille." I dropped my mouth open and repeatedly snapped my eyes open and shut. "Yes." I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down on the bed with me, straddling him while kissing all over his face because I was so happy.

His hands were on my back while my lips mushed together with his. I don't think I've ever wanted to be with someone as much as I wanted to be with Logan.

Vote & Comment! There's probably going to be about two chapters left of this WHOLE book. Oh, and I must warn you, there will be a smut (slightly detailed) scene next chapter that does involve Natalie and Kendall.

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